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*The *NSYNC Puppy Official Fan Club at VT!*

Okay, so it really doesn't exist yet... BUT IT COULD!!! We have KB, we have Bri, and we have Sara, you only need three studetns to start a club at VT!!! The only problem is, is well, we would start the club, but we need a teacher advisor, and we really can't convince any professor in ANY department at the school that *NSYNC is educational, and our only fund raisers and dues would be a "Send us to Meet *NSYNC" campaign, and we don't think too many students would be willing to give to that effort there. What would rock is if they came and gave a concert at VT!!! Hey Lit and Garbage came with MTV (We like Campus Invasion cause it got Bri on MTV, if you're interested we can tell you how to look for her on the 1515 special, she was interviewed and EVERYTHING!!!)!

Well, at least you know that if we could we would start a fan club at our school, but until *NSYNC becomes educational we'll just have to deal with this little webpage here! :)

We also want to mention here, you know in the Disney Concert Special? TAKE A CLOSE LOOK AT THE PUPPIES BUS!!! WHY? Okay what colors are their bus? Silver, ORANGE AND MAROON!!! YAY YAY YAY YAY The puppies made their bus HOKIE colors!!! MAD PROPS Puppies! You'd fit in SO well here at VT! JC did after all say he would want to be an architect/engineer and hey, that is what our school is known for! We bet he might have come here if he wasn't famous cause he lived around the area, hey we get alot of students from Maryland and Washington DC!!!

It's just so overwhelmingly scary how well we can relate everything back to *NSYNC...