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*Tongue, Anyone?*

Hey we like getting tongue as much as the next coupla girls out there, but with the *NSYNC Puppies it is an ultimate tongue over load! One of our favorite pics is this one, with Joey sticking his tongue out and JC being all serious, Bri has it on her door with the cut out from the car ad saying "It does everything, except lick your face." And damn, does she hope that to be true, hell it could even lick her face and she wouldn't care! ;)

ANYWAY... You notice how much the puppies enjoy sticking out their tongues, another reason WHY they are SUCH puppies!!! Seriously, every other picture one of the puppies is showing off his tongue. We often wonder what is up with this tongue fetish, until we realized how much we did it ourselves. We stick out our tongues when we screw up, say dumb things, for no reason at all but to be weird, for pictures, to tease each other, um, to "attract boys attention", and the ultimate reason to stick out your tongue TO PUT ON EYELINER!!! ("It reflects the light from the ceiling to your eye so you can see better... er... YEAH!")

We think it would be fun to see how many times the puppies would stick out their tongues in one sitting, better yet count it for an entire tour or something, Oooh! OR BETER YET charge the puppies a quarter each time their tongue goes out, that way we'd see more smiles in puppy pictures rather than taste buds. Come on, Puppies, you know there are better uses for your tongue then letting it hang there in the breeze... ;)