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They're tiny....they're toony...they're five boys called N'Sync-y...

Okay, this is pretty sad when we can associate (or do associate) N'Sync with the incredibly entertaining cartoon Tiny Toon Adventures. But it was just too OBVIOUS!! I mean, have you ever looked at the Character's personalities?? They match N'Sync perfectly!! Here...we'll show you....

Justin Timberlake or Fowlmouth??

The Similarities:

-Fowlmouth is a cocky rooster who thinks he's God's gift to Acme Acres.

-Justin is a cocky poodle who thinks he's God's gift to America.

-Fowlmouth has a hard time controlling his language

-Justin forgets he's white and starts talking in ghetto

-Fowlmouth is always trying to hit on Shirlley McLoon and always seems to strike out do to his bad habits

-Justin is still single (AND READY TO MINGLE! Um, Justin, ick....)...most likely because he's icky.

-Fowlmouth has a temper which is set off when he doesn't get what he wants

-Justin has an ego and starts pouting when he doesn't get his way.

-Fowlmouth has a nasal-y voice

-Justin has a nasal-y voice

-Fowlmouth has funky hair that poofs at the top.

-Justin's hair is nothing BUT funky and poofy at the top

JC Chasez or Plucky Duck (both baby and teen)

The Similarities:

-Plucky is hyper-active.

-JC...Have you ever seen that boy on caffeine??

-Plucky is egocentric

-JC has to be in the front of every photo shoot

-Plucky is lovable due to his innate wackiness

-JC is such a cute hyper puppy face

-Plucky is driven by blind ambition and has big dreams of fame.

-JC just LOVES music and hopes to be remembered in music history.

-Plucky has the uncensored mind of a child yet always thinks he knows best

-JC has the uncensored mind of a child (note the "Chris eats worms" comment) yet seems to be the mastermind behind the music..."Intonation...INTONATION"..."I wrote and produced this song"

-Plucky envisions himself as a crusader for what's good.

-JC is the defender of N'Sync (his witty comments that saved them during their court battle)

-Plucky is a fast talker and can easily con his buddy Hamton into anything.

-JC is a fast eater and usually moves his arms and hands around a lot when he's trying to explain something...this is to con everyone into believing he's the serious expressive one

-Plucky will do anything to be center of attention.

-JC will do anything to be center of attention.

-Plucky is very possessive of his things.

-JC will bite you if you try to take his microphone.

-Baby Plucky likes to push buttons.

-JC also likes to push buttons.

-Baby Plucky reminds you over and over again that it's HIS TURN

-JC doesn't even give you a's all about HIM :)

Joey Fatone or Dizzy Devil??

The Similarities:

-Dizzy is a rowdy, hyperactive ball of fur and teeth

-Joey is a rowdy, hypteractive boy who likes his hair and smiles a lot

-Dizzy was born permanently hungry and is always on the look out for something to eat.

-Joey was born permanently hungry and is always on the look out for something to eat.

-Dizzy will eat almost anything...(trees, rocks, pizza rolls, land mines, air planes, etc)

-Joey will eat almost anything...(Pickles and yoohoos, caviar, etc.)

-Dizzy is Acme Acres resident party animal, always on the lookout for a happening gig to crash.

-Joey is N'Sync's party animal representative and is always on the lookout for a happening club to dance at

-Dizzy spins but sometimes gets tangled up in things like rope, his tongue, arms, and legs

-Joey jumps around a lot and sometimes get tangled up in things like his shirt, PANTS, other N'Sync members, or furniture.

-Dizzy is the ID of a kid. He does everything bad that has ever crossed a kid's mind.

-Joey acts like he's four

-Dizzy speaks mono-syllabic thoughts I KNOW you can picture Joey doing this. "Shiny!!" "Girl!!" "Nachos!!" "GOODNIGHT"

Lance Bass or Hamton Pig??

The Similarities:

-Hamton has been described as an anal retentive pig with a food fetish.

-Lance is an anal retentive boy (when it comes to having lights on while trying to sleep...HE JUST CAN'T HANDLE IT) and has a horse fetish. Poor Lance...we know you miss Toby.

-Hamton enjoys school, homework, the library, fitting in, and making a good impression

-Lance went to school, does all the financial work for N'Sync, dresses like he's going to a literary reading, wants to fit in with the rest of N'Sync, and made a pretty good impression on Who Wants to Be A Millionare.

-Hamton is a polite pig with a heart of gold.

-Lance never talks so how could he be rude? And I'll bet he's nice.

-Hamton can't believe that anyone would take advantage of him which makes him easy fodder for Plucky

-Lance probably can't imagine any of that either (because he's from Mississippi) so that's why JC knows he can stand in front of Lance without him getting mad.

-Hamton is always Plucky's sidekick

-Lance is just expendible

-Both of them are loyal

-Hamton is not up to date with the latest dances or music.

-Lance can't dance and sings bass

Chris Kirkpatrick or Buster Bunny??


-Buster is the epitome of the 'rabbit next door'

-Chris was someone's next door neighbor.

-Buster has a cool name.

-Chris' dog is named Busta (Buster...same thing).

-Buster has an attitude.

-Chris has an attitude when you give him sugar.

-Buster is always commenting on the action and making asides to the audience.

-Chris just never shuts up.

-Buster is a winner and very athletic. He has played every sport possible on the show.

-Chris always talked about how he played sports all the time and how he loved football. (Don't worry Chris...we believe you)

-Buster is a fun-loving mischief-maker who gets away with just about everything.

-Chris is a fun-loving mischief-maker who gets away with just about everything because he's loud and no one wants to challenge him to a debate

-Buster is sassy like Bugs Bunny but has to work a littler harder because he's younger and still learning.

-Chris is sassy in general and doesn't have to work very hard because he's as old as Bugs Bunny.

-Buster is able to talk just about anybody into just about anything. He's an instigator.

-Chris will just talk and talk and talk until you do what he says just to shut him up. He too is an instigator.

-Buster likes to stir things up and get his buddies to engage in some wild scheme.

-Chris gets the rest of N'Sync to play pranks on JC so they can make fun of him later.

-Buster is the common friend who ties together his eccentric pals.

-Chris was the one who started N' NOT contradict this.

-Buster is constantly pointing out the oddities of each of the characters.

-Chris makes fun of every member of N'Sync...especially JC's eating habbits.

-Buster maintains a B+ average because he studies hard but would never admit to it.

-Chris actually went to college and since he was a Psychology major probably had a B+ or better average...he seems we'll give him the benefit of the doubt. (Even though he failed Algebra ALOT...)

-Buster's voice is kinda high and scratchy is Chris'!!!!!!

WOW!! So you can see how eerily similar N'Sync is to Tiny Toons...I'm frightened yet highly amused and entertained. include ourselves in this Tiny Toon Adventures Connection

Bri or Shirley McLoon (also known as Shirley the Loon)??


-Shirley wears pink all the time

-Bri wears pink all the time...and it's her font color...and it's her favorite color...and you get the idea

-Shirley is blond.

-Bri is blond.

-Shirley speaks fluent Valley.

-Bri is fluent in Valley talk and can translate everything Shirley says.

-Shirley is everyone's friend because they can all relate to her some how.

-Bri is very easy to get along with because HEY...she's fun!!

-Shirley doesn't care what people think about her but always comes back with a "neener neener" come back...such as "I know I'm at one with the spiritual plane. Besides, in your next lives, you're all coming back as avocados, so there."

-Bri is very good at her witty come backs as well..."Oh yeah?? Well you're......DUMB."

-Shirley is the best at turning down an obnoxious boy asking her out.

-Bri is funny to watch as she smacks stupid boys on the head when they ask her out.

-Shirley is immature but very inteligent.

-Bri too is immature but very inteligent...she's a Pre Med student...sheesh.

-Shirley's head is in the clouds and her mind is in a galaxy far, far away.

-Bri's head is in the clouds and her mind is in N'Sync's crotches.

And, KB. (I'm only going by what I've been told....Bri told me I was Babs and I'm not one to argue with her)

KB or Babs Bunny??


-Babs is a high energy comedienne who doesn't know when to quit.

-KB has been told several times by several people that she should do stand-up instead of going to college. Also, everything can be turned into a joke when she's around.

-Babs is a one-rabbit entertainment center.

-KB is an only child and therefore is a one-person entertainment center...but with the help of Bri...LOOK OUT!!

-Babs is always doing celebrity impersonations.

-KB is always doing celebrity impersonations as should hear her impersonate the Panda Guy on the snickers commercial.

-Babs uses her skill to amaze her friends and confuse her enemies or entertain herself when no one else is around.

-KB's friends understand her perfectly but she enjoys confusing people she doesn't like...and people she does like...and...hell, she's just confusing...but funny....and again, she's an only child and has to keep herself entertained quite often.

-Babs enjoys shopping, talking on the phone, helping Buster pull a fast one, or doing anything else that could lead to some fun.

-KB enjoys shopping (when she actually has money), talking on IM, helping Bri pull a fast one, or doing anything else that could lead to some going with Bri to IHOP and Wal*Mart at 1:00 AM.

-Babs is a major smart ass....but people love her for it.

-KB is a MAJOR smart ass (She has had thirteen people tell her that in the past two weeks)...but people love or tolerate her for it.

-Babs' turn offs are study hall, sitting still, and drama critics.

-KB's turn offs are studying, sitting still, and stupid critics, and guys who can't sing.

-Babs loves her ears.

-KB has a freaky ear fetish...(Just ask her about JC or Ben Affleck's ears.)

AND with that, This Ends out Tiny Toon Adventure :)