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*Scotty, Tony, Randy, Jamie, and Al*

We have many life goals, but one of them is to buy stuffed puppies that look like how we think *NSYNC would look like if they were puppies. Then we would set them up on our couch in our apartment, and have them be our guard dogs! We'd even make them all nice little name tags! We would have

Scotty The scottish terrier that would be JC's puppy, using his middle nickname as the puppies name!

Tony The big puppy that would be Joey's puppy, using his middle nickname as the puppies name!

Randy The poodle with baby blue ribbons in his ears, that would be Justin's puppy, using his middle nickname as the puppies name!

Jamie The golden retriever that would be Lance's puppy, using his first nickname as the puppies name!

and Al The little mutt that would be Chris' puppy, using his middle nickname as the puppies name!

We are on a quest to find them all in the same place at the same time (preferrably at a WAL*MART!) so we can buy them and take them home and take a picture of them on our couch. We just think they'd be fun to throw around or sit and watch TV with. What would be the absolute coolest thing is if we could ever possibly get a picture with each *NSYNC-y boy with his respective puppy, talk about a major cute picture there!!!! We hope to get them as soon as we can so we can put them up on the page, so you can see how cute they will be!!!

KB also had an idea to get a little stuffed puppy for her own room and call him "Benny" after Ben Affleck, Bri personally sees him as a little daushaund or basset since KB does have that little thing for ears there... But wouldn't that be cute??? SIX little puppies in one little apartment!!!! :)