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*Why The *NSYNC Puppies Are Scary Stalker Boys*

Concepts For Their NSA Hidden Tracks

If I'm Not The One * Concept Video
I'll Never Stop * Concept Video

Puppies, we are EXTREMELY frightened... You just can't go around singing songs about stalking girls who don't obsess madly over you, it's NOT NICE, and VERY SCARY!!!

Okay, so if you've read our translations of their songs you probably will understand why all their songs are about sex, rape, and more sex... We understand that boys are horny naturally, and well if the puppies weren't we'd be frightened. Come on, every single college guy we know is a horny bastard but we might like them anyway, because well, that's what boys are, they can't help it, it's just what they all are. We know the puppies are the same way (Come on "Ron Jeremy" as their front name? Yeah... we know you just made that name up, puppies.... riiiiiiiiiight.), but Puppies, you can't go around singing about stuff like that!!!

We like sex and songs about sex as much as the next coupla girls out there (maybe perhaps more at times, but that's another story...) but the Puppies have to learn how to deal with some girls on this lovely planet that might not "like" them. Just because they are big pop stars doesn't mean that stalking and rape are now okay. Understand puppies? GOOD BOYS!

But since they DID record these songs, we thought it would be quite amusing to figure out how the videos might look for them! So we came up with these little concepts for the videos with the puppies stalking the girls. Now everytime we listen to these songs we just can't help seeing the boys as scary stalker Puppies!!!