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*Sing Along to the Puppies Songs!*

Yes they are some pretty tricky puppies, but we've got them figured out, we know what they really are trying to say the next time they sing that sappy love ballad! (Sure, now we know why the puppies call it "dirty pop", those dirty, dirty puppies! ;) ) We thought we just had to share it with all of you, because the world should know what *NSYNC is really trying to say with their music!

Just click on a link to see the rewrites of some of your favorite songs, we know we certainly enjoy listening to them more now.

Play list:

I Drive Myself Crazy
Tearing Up My Heart
I Want You Back
You Got It (AKA: I'm Going To Rape You, Baby, Yeah)
For The Girl Who Has Everything (AKA: For the Boy Who Says Too Much)
God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You (AKA: Lance is From Mississippi)
Everything I Own
Crazy For You
Digital Getdown
Space Cowboy
It's Gonna Be Me
It Makes Me Ill