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**NSYNC Sex*

If there is one thing you must understand throughout this site of ours is that there is one golden rule that we hold high above all others: *NSYNC SEX IS BEST!!!! There is just no arguing this rule, it is the law the truth and the absolute begining and end of everything! And you know what, we don't really care if you can think of anything better than *NSYNC Sex, beacuse well, we can't and we don't want to! SO THERE! :P (WHOO! We're SO mature! :) )

Not that we promote any kinds of drugs on this site (besides "caffiene" OF COURSE! Yeah you go JC Puppy!) but if we did, *NSYNC Sex would have to be the best drug in the world! Some of the puppies are already walking orgasms, and they sing orgasmically, so there really couldn't be anything better than actually getting it on with an *NSYNC Puppy now could there??? :)

We really don't understand all these girls saying that they want to marry the puppies, we'd just take a one night stand from them any day! The *NSYNC puppies can marry any one in the world they want to, we don't care if it is us, BUT before they do, we just want to fuck their brains out JUST ONCE! That's all we're asking for! IS THAT SO MUCH??? ;) We don't think so, in fact, we think it's quite a reasonable request after seeing and hearing how sexually frustrated they are, it would be doing them a favor!

So remember:

Some things may be good,

Other things may be better,