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**NSearch of *NSYNC*

Here's our idea of a show for MTV, starring us! (What can we say, we are children of the MTV pop genration, we're children of pop culture...) And you know what, we bet if you write MTV and tell them that you want to see us do this on their network, we'd bet they'd do it, they would find funding for it somewhere in that budget of theirs, Hell, they did that All Access thing, right? They would definately do this if there was mass interest in it than just two girls who want to meet *NSYNC and be on cable TV a whole season... :)

Okay, so we LOVE road trips, we get in KB's car, pop in *NSYNC-y music, open up a bag of peanut butter M&M's, open a diet coke, and we're good to go until we have to pee, but we digress... So a cool thing we'd like to do is get a little show sponsored by MTV starring us called *NSearch of *NSYNC, and basically what we do is we impersonate The Alligator Hunter guy (you ever seen that show? Well, then you know what we're talking about!) voice using such phases as *in an Australian accent* "We are going after the elusive Chasez, now one must be carfull when one is out to catch a Chasez because they can be quite agressive an bitter when awoken from slumber..." along with our classic cracking jokes, acting weird, like headbanging and dancing at stop lights, and harmonizing sing alongs in the car!

What we would do is travel all over the United States going to each *NSYNC tour location, interviewing interesting local poeple and celebrities (like Ben Affleck and us mistaking him for JC and then not caring about him at all!) we find along the way, and visiting cool places like the largest ball of twine! We'd eat at interesting restauraunts, buy cool little things, like those stupid little state spoons, at each state! We would constanly have close encounters with *NSYNC like we just miss them or they see us but we don't see them, you get the irony we're going for here! And this would go on in brief little segments on MTV throughout the entire tour, until finally we get backstage at their final concert in America, and having not able to find them anywhere, they sneak up behind us and scare the shit outta us, but hey we found then and we love them anyway cause hey, they're puppies!

All MTV would have to do is give us cool microphones, a camcorder, the special guest appearences by the celebrities and *NSYNC, a map so we know where we are going but hey if we get lost that just makes it funnier right? The TV time, and money to survive on hey we need food and gasoline, we're already providing the car, the music, the cheap humor and entertainment, and of course ourselves! It's like Road Rules meets *NSYNC, except it's only two smart ass girls in a little blue car looking for five talented boys. But hey, we would find it entertaining, and it would definately be somethign else musically entertaining for MTV to show this summer! So hey, if you'd like to see it, PLEASE TELL THEM! We'd thank all of you while on the road! :)