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We love our puppies alter egos!!!! It just kinda makes tehm liek superheroes that way! NO REFUND was just about one of the funniest things we've ever seen on SNL! We thought it was so damn cute, and who could resist puppies looking dorky and acting dumb, in a strangly sexually suggestive way... ;)

They are just SUCH good puppies! MAD PROPS!! TREAT TIME PUPPIES! You know we've got it pretty bad for No Refund when we have "Supersize It" on our winamps and find ourselves singing; "Why don't you drive through my heart..." on our way to class. They aren't as good as 2Ge+her however, like seriously Chad is so cute and dumb ("Do WE lip sync???" :) Awww...) and Mickey be one of da flyest hos we ever saw, he definately could open up that can of whoop ass on Justin Puppy.... But you know what? We shouldn't compare that really isn't fair to either fictional band... :)

But hey, quick question, Puppies? We get WHAT for just one more quarter? Hmmmmmmmmmm............ THAT IS A BARGAIN! Well, if that's the case we are just sitting here with a pocketfull of SHINY quarters, come over here and show us exactly what we get when we give you a quarter and all these lovely shiny quarters can be yours, one by one... ;)