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*Music Inspired By *NSYNC*

We must admit *NSYNC music has inspired alot of things in our lives, and hey this is one more, isn't it? :) They inspired us to actually sit down long enough to create this webpage, they inspired us to actually sit down long enough to write pop songs and to try to become pop stars, and trust us all those things are not easy to get us to do! But there are things we feel we would just LOVE to do to *NSYNC's music before our time is up on this world, or before we forget about it, whichever comes first!

We want to dance to "Riddle" (listen to *NSYNC's Euro Album is you have no clue what song we're talking about) in Mannequins (if it's still there, we don't know is it?) in Disney's Pleasure Island when we go! We're going to take the CD with us, and we're going to wear slutty clothes and then walk over and ask the DJ to play it for us before the end of the night. We LOVE this song, even though Justin sings the whole thing. IT IS THE PERFECT DANCE CLUB SONG! We wish they would have released it out on the radio here in America!!! And trust us we won't rest until we dance to "Riddle" in a club in Orlando, it WILL BE DONE!

We want to "Freshman Class Mix" *NSYNC songs. Bri's cousin has BRAND NEW TURN TABLES!!! (It's a holy shrine the only thing neat and clean in his apartment, we swear!) We love dance mixes and remixes of *NSYNC songs, our favorite is by far the UK Crazy Driving Club Mix of IDMC. We would love to remix IDMC, Digital Getdown, and hell, BYE BYE BYE too. Bri only has 8 different remixes of that damn song on her winamp... But the ultimate COUP DE GRAS would be to mix every single *NSYNC song with the word "party" in it and call it the "*NSYNC Party Mix (Freshman Class Remix)" We can just hear it now; "Tell me where the party is... You know the party's here... Come on party people, there's a party going on tonight... Tell me where the party is..." And so on. Because we know that it frustrated it that *NSYNC told us to come to the party tonight, but never told us where it was, because we know we would have gone if tehy only gave better directions... ;)