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*Why They Are OURs DAMMIT!*

Awwwwwwwww.......... Puppies!


We feel that we have earned the right to call the *NSYNC Puppies ours after how much they have been driving us nuts and crazy along with Fate and Inspiration!!! If you need any further examples of this just go through our entire page here and find them, because trust us we've got plenty. We've never met *NSYNC and we don't really know them, but we'd gladly tell them all this stuff when we do meet them, because they really do have the right to know... especially since they've been doing all this stuff to us when they aren't even here so how could they possibly ever know? :) And we might as well warn everyone out there, including the puppies, if we do happen to meet them, yes we will try to get in their pants, you only get chance to meet puppies like them once and we figure we'll sure as hell take advantage of our one and only chance! ;)

Besides, the first time Bri heard "It's Gonna Be Me" she swore to GOD that they sang "It's gonna be Bri..." and she almost did not go to class after that horrible experience, she seriously almost collapsed and cried right there in the middle of the Drillfield. It was not a pretty sight at all...

ANYWAY... even if they aren't and never will ACTUALLY be ours they will indeed FOREVER be our puppies! And that's teh way we will ALWAYS remember them! And if the girls that they actually belong to don't treat them right and don't take care of them, we SWEAR we will bitch them out, becuase duh we'll probably never get to meet them or anything like that but we'll sure as hell bitch to each other about how much that girl sucks for the puppy she's with! Because the puppies only deserve the very best and we really do care about teh puppies happiness because they seem like nice enough boys to deserve to be happy.

And hey, well they started us, with all the crap happening to us that involves *NSYNC Puppies, THEY claimed US, we didn't claim them on PURPOSE! ;)

So that is basically why the *NSYNC Puppies are ours, and to everyone else out there deal with it, we've learned from JC Puppy how to be a possessive bitch! ;)