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*Listening to *NSYNC With KB and Bri*

Now this will make you feel as if you are right there in the car or the dorm with us when we listen to the puppies! They are very inspirational puppies indeed, we take them everywhere we go with the help of the ingenius invention of the 'walkman'. :) Bri even actually *gasp* enjoys exercising to the puppies, for a copy of Bri's informative workout guide to:

Exercising With The *NSYNC Puppies!

Please email her ( with your first initial and last name, address or PO BOX, and she'll mail you a copy of a weekly workout plan to *NSYNC music, please specify to which album you would like to work out to in your email!

Or you can just exercise like Joey Puppy; "I exercise when I lean forward to eat my chicken fingers..." :) We totally agree Joey Puppy! In fact, we thought that was actually an exercise until some one more enlightened pointed out to us that it wasn't...To hell with it, follow the Joey Fatone Exercise program, who needs anymore annorexic looking girls out there? :)

Anyway, on to the fun part! We only have a couple of the puppies works, we REALLY REALLY want to get their Euro Winter Album when we can afford to shop on-line again but until then we can only make fun of these following Puppy recordings!

The Debut *NSYNC Euro Album

The Debut *NSYNC American Album

Home for Christmas American Album

No Strings Attached American Album

MMC: The Best of JC and Justin

And we think that's it.... No we don't ahve very many *NSYNC things, no not at all....

Here are our reviews of each album using our infamous "OH!" rating scale. Each album is rated from 0-5 "OH!"'s each "OH!" representing how badly we thought the puppies need to get some during the recording of this album, or literally how scared we were that the puppies sound like scary rapists... :)

The Debut *NSYNC Euro Album: OH, OH, OH! Yes they were in Europe, there are cute girls in Europe, but hey they were starting out and they still needed to "act and look" innocent. Besides damn their teeth are white on that cover, that was scary... Best song on the album: You guessed it, "RIDDLE"!!! WE LOVE THAT SONG!

The Debut *NSYNC American Album: OH, OH, OH! Yes by now we were ready for something new, but that doesn't mean that all the songs aren't extremely fun to mock! Since we know all the songs so well now, we're starting to memorize our other versions now! So not very sexual, puppies were kinda snoozers in bed this time. Best song on the album: "GIDDY UP"!!! Giddy up, ride it, whoo... :)

Home for Christmas Amercian Album: OH, OH, OH, OH! Puppies, definately made the orgasm part of our review chart here, they definately were in need of some special holiday "love" right there... Why do we keep having them think of girls in fuzzy skimpy outfits when they were recording this album? You know they weren't dreaming of girls in sweaters next to the fire, their minds were definately on the bedroom, or under the tree, or under the mistletoe or where ever the hell their little sexual Christmas themed fantasies took them to... Best song on the album: The A cappella "O Holy Night" it's just so beautiful, even our mommies approve of us listening to it!

No Strings Attached American Album: OH, OH, OH, OH, OH! Puppies need fuck, like NOW, before they explode or something. They just do. It's really not a pretty sight to see such five vute and talented boys in this kind of condition. The signs are exceedingly obvious and the innuendos are plentiful. Just someone fuck them please, those poor, poor, puppies (notice our sarcasm and lack of sympathy, we say hey puppies, you've only got yourselves to blame... :) ). We have no clue why they are so sexually frustrated, we say there's plenty of ready and willing available volunteers, just choose a cute one puppies, take the two minute fuck, then onto the next city, you said you only didn't have time for GIRLFRIENDS... ;) Best song on the album: "DIGITAL GETDOWN"!!! WE LOVE THIS SONG!!! We hate our own bitch ass computers but, hey we like songs about sex!

MMC: The Best of JC and Justin: OH, OH! This tape ain't very sexual at all, but still we can tell JC always had that little "-AH!" thing going on even back then, little Brit's voice is lower than little Justy's, and come on half of it is Justin singing, so that lowers the libido significantly right there. So not all that sexual, but hey, it's GREAT 80's songs, sing-alongs, and reminising! We like! Best song on the album: "Mysterious Ways" sung by JC! It's the first song you hear and it is just tremendous!! YAY JC PUPPY! Mad props to you! :)