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*La, la, la Haram-BE! What's a Hippo?*

We want to go to Harambe! *NSYNC Puppies went to Harambe! We want to go! And we will! We're going to make a pilgrimage to Harambe this winter (December 2000, baby! There's our goals; Harambe and Pleasure Island.) WE'RE SO EXCITED!

If you have no fucking clue what the hell we are talking about, we suggest you watch the Disney Concert Special. The puppies go on a little animal tour called Harambe (something or other, we don't know the exact name) in Animal Kingdom. And WE WANT TO GO! We can just imagine how much fun Harambe would be, especially since we know that the puppies were there!

Brief interjection, boys you say that your mothers taught you how to love and respect animals and all that, but we've noticed that no one ever taught you that YOU KEEP YOUR HANDS AND ARMS INSIDE THE MOVING VEHICLE AT ALL TIMES DURING THE DURATION OF THE RIDE! :)

We also really dig that little Harambe chant the puppies had going there, we're going to sing it when we go to Harambe, and we'll even do the whole:

"Look at the Hippoes!"

"Yay, Hippoes!"

"What's a Hippo?"

WE just want to ride in the little tour bus and help catch the poachers!!! We can be little tourists too!!! We think it would be fun! :)

How could you not just love Harambe? It's the THIRD happiest place on earth, the first being *NSYNC's pants, and the second being Disneyland. :)

We could think of many things to do with the puppies in Harambe! ;) We can hardly wait until... We are in Haram-BE, We're going to Haram-BE, Take the puppies to Haram-BE, we'll be fucking in Haram-Be...