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*Evidence That *NSYNC id Sexually Frustrated*

Now Puppies, are your girlfriends not doing a good enough job here or what? You could surely get ALOT of girls, you don't have to let it get THIS bad, jeez...

There are PLENTY, make that TONS of examples of why the Puppies are EXTREMELY sexually frustrated, true, that most of this evidence is in NSA, but come on "Giddy Up"? That was just the begining. We know that the next album that comes out from the Puppies will have a parental advisory warning on it from overuse of the words "Sex" and "Fuck". They're bound to crack one day and just come out and say it, they're running out of innuendos we know it!

Most of the examples can be found in other parts of this page, just check out our song translations and the Christmas Album section, but here are some other things you might have noticed along with us that PROVE that the puppies are VERY sexually frustrated:

JC always sounds pissed off while singing, some people may call that intensity because true, he is a very intense boy, but all those "-AH!"'s in NSA? That just screams sexual frustration...

And on that note, JC wrote and produced "No Strings Attached" the song, right? Count the "-AH!"'s in there if you don't believe us, and he makes all of *NSYNC do it right along with him! We tell ya, Bobbie's got alot of work to do to keep that boy satisfied...

"Digital Getdown" is the ultimate FUCK ME song, not only that it is the FUCK ME song of the entire Millenium. How long has it been since you heard "Freaky" or "Nasty" being used in a nice little pop song? Puppies don't lie your asses off saying "it's a song about a digital party we swear..." riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

"I'll Be Good For You" As opposed to bad for some other random girl, well it's nice to know you'll be good for some girls in bed.

"It's Gonna Be Me" Woah, extremely bitter song about not getting to fuck a girl that they want to, poor puppies, deal with it and move on, like we said there's plenty of other girls out there that will fuck you, we know we would. ;)

The love ballads on NSA are just other tactics to get that girl into their bed at the end of the night there.

"Just take these girls and enjoy the ride, do what you feel inside..." Pimping tonight, JC? We understand, you have to be able to produce the rest of your sex/stalker songs somehow...

"It Makes Me Ill" that I don't get enough sex and you're not fucking me... OH wait, they cut out that part of the extended title... Oopsie! :)

"BYE BYE BYE" IS NOT a love song, dammit! It just isn't no matter how you word it, you can never make that a LOVE song. Kissing and kissing off are two seperate things,and obviously you puppies don't know the difference between the two, we wonder WHY????

They wear bondage clothing. They do! We wouldn't have even caught that until Bri found JC's vest in the Disney special on a bondage clothing site, and Joey's "BYE BYE BYE" pants! (Well, she's allowed to shop at bondage stores because she's not a pop star pretending to be wholesome, she's allowed to be a big whore if she wants to be, and when she does become a pop star, she'll sure as hell admit to it! ;) )

Their entire fucking Christmas album, just listen to it, you'll hear it, trust us...

Their first album, come on "Giddy up, ride it..." Puppies we have a question... What if the girl DOESN'T WANT to be on top that night? Would you be nice and switch? Come on, sex isn't all just lying there and getting off... Another example "I Need Love" yeah, 'love' was just a softer word for sex, we knew it all the time.

They actually said, WE ARE NOT MAKING THIS UP, "We want to do it (referring to NSA) everywhere." Yeah puppies, yeah, and one day when you find a girl with enough stamina, you're dreams will come true....

They call their music "dirty pop" what more could be said about that?

They use the name "Ron Jeremy" at hotels when they don't want their fans to know it's them. You know the puppies gotta pull out that porn everyone and a while, sometimes just imagining it ain't enough.

They fibrilate and gyrate all over the stage as well as put enough growls and "unh"'s in their songs to make it sexual enough for us to get at what they are hinting.

Now here's what we don't understand, the puppies told the press that they had to tell Sisqo to "tone down" HIS act because it was TOO SEXUAL for THEIR show???? NO puppies, no, that is just about one of the most WRONG things we've heard in our entire lives.

They hang out with Brit, that just explains itself...

They help promote Wild Orchid and Innosense, that too just explains itself...

They're boys for crying out loud, they're just supposed to be horny bastards! And that's all there is to it. You just know that they are horn dogs ;) Too bad you puppies have no time for girlfriends and social lives, poor puppies all you want is good fuck, is that so much to ask???

They should have put THAT in their contract with JIVE! ;)