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**NSYNC and Ducks*

Live around a bunch of ducks long enough and you're bound to begin to think that they are fucking hilarious. For crying out loud, one of the most popular places to go on campus is The Duck Pond. You walk around campus and you ducks walk around campus, and NATURALLY you think back "HEY! Ducks live in Orlando!" Then you begin to associate ducks with *NSYNC.

One of Bri's friends was brutally attacked by a duck on Disney's Tom Sawyer Island, and that made us being to think, hey they have bitter ducks at Disney, let's take *NSYNC to Tom Saywer Island and watch them with the ducks! So then we began to think about the ducks attacking *NSYNC and them being all scared and being traumatized by the experience, and then trowing a bunch of duck feathers in their bunks one day while they're out and watch them all flip out when they find the feathers.

We especially thought of poor Joey getting attacked by a duck, and being like; "NO! NO! GET IT OFF GET IT OFF! BAD DUCK! AHHH RUN AWAY!!! SAVE ME!!!" We also thought, it would be cool to get a duck as a pet and take it on an *NSYNC tour, call the duck Quacky, making it our attack duck, and yelling "Sic em, Quacky!" each time Justin stepped on the tour bus. We don't know, but we find those to be pretty funny images of *NSYNC with ducks. We bet you'll never think of ducks the same way ever again now, huh? :)


OH OH OH OH OH!!! :)

AND we weren't the only ones who associated the puppies with ducks!!! READ ON:

"Heck, I was hoping to get $100,000 just for the five 'N Sync guys alone," she said with a laugh. -- Cindy Cross, Huntington Beach Community Clinic

AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! It's SO sweet! The puppies doing charity work back home by autographing little yellow plastic ducks to sell on Ebay to get money for this clinic! "Rubber Duckie, you're the one..." :) Well, we found it extremely sweet! You can read the rest of the story on *NSYNC World Wide, we are linked to them by banner and in our links section! SO go check it out! :)