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*How To Get Into A Puppy Concert*

Now, just because WE might try dumb things like this to get into an *NSYNC Puppy concert, doesn't necessarily mean that we are recommending that you do these things and that you should actually do them or anything, becuase we don't know how ILLEGAL they might be and everything. We just thought we should tell you!

With the Puppies NSA tour begun and tickets being hard to find for it, we've come up with a few little things we'd try to get into a puppy concert!

First, we'd try the auctions and everything LEGAL to get tixs into the concert.

Second, we'd try offering bribes, blow jobs, and sex or at least dressing slutty and showing off our cleavage, or telling them how cute we are to the people selling tickets to try to get them to sell to us before ANYONE ELSE!

If that didn't work and possibly NO ONE wants to sell, we'd dress slutty and try to get the scalpers to sell us the best seats there that night.

Finally, we would NOT try to crash the front gate! NEVER NEVER NEVER, messing with ticket takers and police at the front gate ain't coo' yo, so we'd look for the back door and *NSYNC security, Bri would dress up in her Catholic School Girl uniform, with her knee high boots, black fishnets, black vynil lace up gloves, black fuzzy 'prostitue' jacket, crimped blond hair and dark eyes and red lips and proceed to tell the security:

"The boys are waiting for me inside. They pre-paid for me and they told me to meet them backstage, they assured me that you would let me in."

If the security guard wouldn't let her in she would then proceed to say:

"Well, fine, I already have their money. All I have to say is that you're going to be the one that they're pissed at for wasting their good money and good fuck I might add too. Do I look like a cheap whore?"

And if they still wouldn't let her in, she'd try:

"Hey come on, let me backstage, at least take me to their bus, I'm sure they planned something with me for YOU before they got their hands on me. In fact, I'd give something to you even if they didn't just for being SO nice to me."

Then, WE HOPE they'd let her backstage, then she would say:

"Thanks sweetie! You're a doll! Hey, she needs to come back with me, I mean, if you were a little girl like me, dressed like THIS would you walk these hard streets ALONE? She needs to come with me for my protection. Thanks sweetheart! *KISS! I'm sure the boys will give you something great for giving them what they want."

Then Bri of course would have to work on the puppies after that, or at least explain to them why she's dressed the way that she is, and yeah so the dialogue was something out of a bad porn, but you never know it might work! Of course this plan of action would only be used in EXTREME desperation at not possibly getting into the concert. Usually more often then not you can buy tix or win tix somewhere.

Once you're at a concert however, we can also think of many fun things to do while you're there! Check out our whole tour with *NSYNC section to see our idea with the dumb "We say N!" chant! But also we find it would be interesting to laugh at all the dumbass girls, or at least make pretty off the wall signs ourselves if they let us keep them that is. We'd point and laugh at all the girls dressed like whores, all the screaming and crying girls, and anyone who brought a dumbass sign saying how much they loved Justin or Lance, or whatever other Puppy they liked and are trying to marry...

We'd bring signs like:

"I'll go down on, I mean, getdown for you!"

"DANCE Mississippi Lemming DANCE!"

"Josh, did you remember your "caffiene" for this show?"

"Larry for 6th member of *NSYNC! Rock the VOTE make mine *NSYNC-y!"

"Chris, LOOK this paper is made from TREES!"




"HEY LOOK! I found a quarter..."



"Bring out the SPINNY CHAIRS!"

"Giddy up, Ride it, Whoo..."

"But when we are apart, I shampoo...."


"That was dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb..." (Hey Sisqo is opening for them, we like to sing things to the tune of the "Thong Song" so sue us...)


"I'm a pretty panda, yes I am, I'm so pretty. Pretty, pretty, pretty..."

"Take out the noise, Put the house back up, IT'S QUIET TIME! PLAY THE QUIET GAME EVERYONE! NO SCREAMING!"


"We're NOT digging your thug appeal!"


And that's really all we could think of, if you have any suggestions because hopefully WE WILL get to go this summer (YAY! Bri's first *NSYNC Concert! It's a momentous occasion, we need to buy an ice cream cake or something for it.) We'll take all suggestions for annoying signs into consideration!