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*Puppies With Computers*

We always hear about how the puppies finally got computers and trying to figure out how to use them, and now since they released "Digital Getdown" we think the puppies figured out what web cams are good for...

ANYWAY... We figured since AOL IM is essential way for us to communicate to each other and our families, that we figured the puppies might have found it as wonderful as we did, or if they haven't they really should!!!

But before we move on to the funny parts PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT try to IM someone with the AOL IM names we give, because we cannot always promise that they will actually be *NSYNC, in fact we just made them up, you can try to use them as your own, cause we really don't care we have our own names, but please just realize THEY ARE FICTICIOUS! Thank you. :)

Now can't you just imagine the puppies with these profiles??? Or at least we can see the puppies with these profiles if they were on OUR computers... :)


"Yo foo' I be's first cause I be da most fly bitch of NSYNC, 'sides my letter comes first, yo. I be da lead singa in da band, and whaz I don'ts bes gettin' is da shit sayin' it all be ma fault in baby blue, yo! Dat's whack! I bes gettin' blamed for shit I ain't be doin'! And baby blue be a masculine color yo. Anyway you knows I be gettin all da honies back to my crib in da hood yo. Peace out."


"Hi, I'm Lance. I'm the bass of the group. I'm from Mississippi. I have one fan, and that's the "I Love Lance" Girl in the *N the Mix video. One day I hope to find her, but I think she's Justin's fan now. Please donate money to the "Toby the Horse Foundation" it is a cause that is very imporatnt to me as a Mississippian, and a horse lover. I hope to get my country song "The Mississippi River: A Song For Toby" on our next album."


"Chris is in da house y'all!!!!!!! I'm the oldest memeber of the group and I started it all! It was all me and my college education, baby!!!!!! This is my dog Busta, isn't he the cutest little thing you ever did see, well besides me of course! I like trees... ALOT, my favorite would have to be the Great American Pine. I like R&B and rap music and spinning records, and I'd like to give a shout out to my hometown girl Christina Aguliera, and I want to wish her good luck with her band The Christina Aguliera Project."


"Hi, this is JC, and I can't believe I'm actually getting a chance to talk here! I love many things, music, my leather jacket, my CK PJ bottoms, sleep, my hair, my ears, caffiene, the list goes on and on. I just want to say thank you to everyone who made our success possible and helped us out through the years. And I'm still looking for a place of my own in Orlando, so if you know of anywhere, let me know. Nothing but love for ya."


"I'm Joey and I like shiny things. Especially shiny superman things! GOODNIGHT!"

Now if that wasn't bad enough, we also thought what it would be like if KB (since she's ALWAYS on IM!!!) ever actually got to talk to the puppies on IM. Who knows? Maybe she'll get to do it one day! :) (BTW: KB is not her real IM, so don't try IMing the poor person who might have it with hate mail and stuff, thank you!) See if you can tell who is who! :)

ThrstnJstn: Yo yo sweet thang, what be happinen tonights?

KB: How the hell did you get my screenname? I thought I blocked you!!!

ThrstnJstn: No ones can block the Justin yo. I be unblockables. waddup?

KB: You're annoying, you're ugly, and you sing like a girl.

ThrstnJstn: You be playin around wif me? Dat's whack girl. You know you be diggin' my thang.

KB: The only thing I'm diggin of yours is your grave. LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

ThrstnJstn: What'chou be tryin to say yo?

KB: That I don't want to talk to you.

ThrstnJstn: You knows you be wantin me kitten.

KB: Call me that again and I'll shave your head.

ThrstnJstn: Looks bitch, don't you be messin wif my fro yo...ho.

KB: And you wonder why you're single.

ThrstnJstn: Yo baby, you knows I be waitins for da right bitch to come along. Thrustin Justin ain't picky when it comes to his ho's....:)

KB: Ick...I can see you smiling at yourself.

ThrstnJstn: You be thinkin bouts me ain't ya?

KB: Oh God.......

ThrstnJstn: Yeah bitch, you knows you be wantin me.....

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TreeLvnBusta: HEY HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KB: Hi


KB: Nothing much

TreeLvnBusta: Dammit, I'm bored.

TreeLvnBusta: Bored...

TreeLvnBusta: Bored...

KB: I'm sorry, I didn't get any of your last messages. My computer is a bitch ass.

TreeLvnBusta: That's alright. I'm just bored. So whatcha doin'?

KB: I'm watching a movie. And you're interupting.

TreeLvnBusta: Cool!!!!

TreeLvnBusta: What movie????????????

KB: Simon Birch

TreeLvnBusta: HEY!!!!!!

TreeLvnBusta: Birch is a TREE!!!!!!

KB: Yes Chris...Very good.

TreeLvnBusta: DO YOU SEE IT???

KB: See what?

TreeLvnBusta: Do you see the TREE??????????

KB: There are a lot of trees in this movie. It's not about a tree though. Leave me alone so I can watch it.

TreeLvnBusta: NO NO...YOU HAVE TO TELL ME ABOUT THE TREES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KB: They're in the forrest...go ponder that for a while.

KB: In fact, go into the woods for all I care.

TreeLvnBusta: HAHAHAHA....LOL

KB: ????

TreeLvnBusta: Busta just shit in Justin's bed again...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

KB: Way to go Busta...Now, leave me alone.

TreeLvnBusta: KB....

KB: What

TreeLvnBusta: KB

KB: What

TreeLvnBusta: KB

KB: What the fuck do you want Chris?


KB: Goodbye Chris

TreeLvnBusta: Lata


SuperJman: Hey Kelley

KB: Hey Joey! How's it going?

SuperJman: It's going good. Have you seen Bri?

KB: She was over here a second ago. I think she was heading over to see you guys.


KB: So what are you guys up to tonight?

SuperJman: Not much...

SuperJman: JC's watching Southpark...

SuperJman: I'm on the computer....

KB: Sounds like a blast.

SuperJman: We're bored.

KB: I should come over and be bored with you guys.

KB: What do you think?

KB: Hello?

KB: Joey?

KB: You still there?

SuperJman: oh I'm sorry

SuperJman: I thought you were going to come over so I stopped typing.

KB: LOL...That's okay Joey.

SuperJman: I'm confused.

KB: About what?

SuperJman: What does LOL spell?

KB: Oh...that's an abriviation for Laugh Out Loud...Whenever I type it, it just means I'm laughing.

SuperJman: Oh. Okay. LOL

KB: Yeah..see?

SuperJman: LOL

KB: Yeah, Joe you got it.

SuperJman: LOL

KB: Okay, that's good.

SuperJman: LOL

KB: I know I'm not being that funny.

SuperJman: LOL


SuperJman: hee hee hee...I like LOL

KB: That's good Joey. Okay, well, you type LOL while I come over to visit.

SuperJman: LOL

SuperJman: LOL

SuperJman: LOL

SuperJman: LOL

SuperJman: LOL

SuperJman: LOL

SuperJman: LOL


MrsIppi: Hey

KB: hi

MrsIppi: I miss Toby

MrsIppi: KB???

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CKpjsnLthrJckts: Hey babe

KB: Hey sweetie

KB: How are you doing?

CKpjsnLthrJckts: I'm lonely.

KB: Awwww...poor baby.

KB: Do you want me to come and keep you company?

CKpjsnLthrJckts: Yes I would :) :) :) :)

KB: Okay :) Be Right There