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We'd be such good little employees at Hallmark! Check out this card we made up all by ourselves!

We Care...(front of card)

We care that you found your chapstick... (Inside left of card)

Just wanted to let you know... (Inside right of card)

That We Care. (back of card)

Now wasn't that just touching??? Let us explain, chapstick is a very VITAL part of our lives and something that we know that we cannot possibly ever live without. One night on IM, KB was talking to Bri that she was looking for her chapstick and that she couldn't find it, but then she did and that was the whole origin of that joke. If we were to send the puppies a card about their chapstick it would probably go something like this:

Dear *NSYNC; We Care.

We care that each of you has found his respective chapstick.

Except Justin. We hope that he loses his chapstick again, so that his lips will fall off, and then he'll have to go to lip rehab and spend six weeks with a Polish kid named Oscar.

But we just wanted to let you know. That we care.

It just says exactly what you wanted to say for those days when you just happen to care.... about chapstick. :)


One day while we were shopping at WAL*MART (as we often do) we went to the book section and we're looking at books when we saw on of the most funniest titles we've ever seen in our entire lives: "Who Moved My Cheese?: Learning to cope with change in the workplace and your every day life" and what was better is it was by some psychologist, so a DOCTOR wrote this book!!! We thought of many interesting and funny thigns to do with this peice of literature...

1. Take it to the produce section, put it in with the cheddar, then proceed to look around in the cheese until a cleck comes up to you and asks if he can help you. Yell at him "WHO MOVED MY CHEESE?" And when he looks frightened say "Nevermind, I found it!" Pick up the book and skip away.

2. Leave "Oh yeah, and WHO MOVED MY CHEESE! :) " As an AOL IM away message, and confuse your friendsand family, or at least make them think you went totally nuts because of finals week!

3. Use the phrase WHO MOVED MY CHEESE as a daily part of your conversations at least once or twice a day.

4. Buy the book and take it on tour with you when you tour with *NSYNC. Hide the book somewhere on the boys tour bus and make sure you get on the bus before them and frantically look around and throwe their stuff everywhere screaming "WHO MOVED MY WHO MOVED MY CHEESE???" When they look frightened have your friend explain to them it's a book and they better give it back before you have a coniption. Find the book and yell at Lance "HOW COULD YOU MOVE MY WHO MOVED MY CHEESE???" and storm off the bus.


We think the puppies should learn the importance of sharing especially the JC Puppy, next time you go out to eat at a restauraunt with the puppies, and JC Puppy has the very last cream puff sitting on his plate, sway from side to side saying "JCeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........ I know you want to share that cream puff with meeeeeeeeeeeeee..........." and when he asks you "What's "sharing"?" Say "THIS!" grab the cream puff, run to the ladies restroom and taunt JC by eating it inside. And when he tells you that's not sharing that's what he does with his stuff, tell him well, that's what you call sharing.


Back onto the subject of books but while waiting to see *NSYNC on Sesame Street we watched the end of Reading Rainbow. Now we don't know what they are trying to teach children these days, but there was this book called "Bread is for EATING" on the show, um, there must eb some pretty dumb kids out there if tehy don't know that you are supposed to EAT bread. We were just thinking how much the puppies would appreciate it if we got them that book for their birthdays, becuase you never know, they might not understand that bread is for eating....


Fun things to randomly scream to scare the surrounding people but your friends will understand you:

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! (Just like doing the Macerena!)



PANTS! ;)("Ladies what article of clothing would you like the boys to remove first?")