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*Bondage Scary Things*

You watch "Making The Video" with the puppies? WE DID! One of the best parts in the entire program is Joey in the leather pants, and JC fibrilating around the room trying to get off a shirt with a metal collar. Then JC saying "That's like a bondage scary thing..." BUT BUT BUT (you're thinking, and if you're not, well then PRETEND, DAMMIT!) HOW WOULD SWEET LITTLE INNOCENT JOSHUA CHASEZ KNOW THIS??? You might not like the answer... :)

Okay you know those damn vests JC is ALWAYS wearing, I mean every Disney concert and interview he has these big black bullet proof looking vest thingys on, sure THEY can tell you it's for his protection, but WE know better. They sell vests like those on some of the hottest bondage webpages (we're not giving out any URLS here, because THIS is a family page! Heeheehee, whoo, we made ourselves laugh at that comment...) on the internet. Not only this, we figure JC doesn't mind bondage scary things so much after all, he just doesn't like it when he can't get them off! After all, he did admit one of his favorite things in the entire world is his LEATHER jacket.

ALSO, come on, we notice pants okay? Well, Bri notices pants, and she likes the ones Joey wore in the "BYE BYE BYE" video and proceeded to look for them in Washington DC this Spring, finding similar ones made by Lip Service, which manufactures, you guessed it, rock grunge/bondage clothing.... Hmmmmmmmmmm.......... Puppies? Anything you would like to tell us before we go tell YOUR MOMMIES!!!! :)

Hey, we are all for bondage clothing, it's all cool puppies, but really what's the big secret there? It's coo' yo! Just come out and say it, and stop trying to cover little unimportant things like this up! In fact, we'd like it if you wore MORE bondage clothing, just a suggestion from the peanut gallery... ;)

Okay go here, it's another site who believes that *NSYNC Puppies and bondage go eceedingly well together! ;) Staturatory Rape: *NSYNC in Bondage Reason why we didn't put this on the real links page is well, it just fit in SO nicely here and it's made for a EXTREMELY MATURE (notice we STRESS that? You have been warned...) audience, and we feel a bunch of people who might view our site aren't ready for that just yet... ;)