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*Ben Affleck*

We had to put Ben Affleck up here in our list of puppies, because of KB's little "ear thing" she has... But still he is SUCH a puppy!!! Ben has such a great puppy face, just dig any of his pictures, you know he gets away with murder with that face of his! Besides he is a funny puppy, we don't know what was greater than seeing Ben on SNL saying "Sometimes, it's like I get a little crazy,a nd then it's like WOAH JL!!!!" We only wished redneck hicks could be so cute!

We give MAD PROPS to Ben for being such a smart puppy to only go to college for two years and being such a tremendous sucess as an actor! He was great in "Good Will Hunting" he was great in "Shakespeare in Love" he was great in "Dogma" hell, he was good in "Dazed and Confused"!!! There is not one movie we don't think that Ben hasn't been absolutely fabulous in,(and he SINGS in his movies!!!! :) WE LIKE BOYS WHO CAN SING!) if you think of any let us know, and KB will debate you to death with WHY YOU ARE WRONG!

Come on, when it comes to Affleck, KB has got it going on, she knows basically everything on the boy! KB knows just about everything you ever watned to know (and even somethings you really didn't want to know) about Ben and movies, just ask her, she'll tell ya!

We're going to be the next Affleck and Damon, WHY? Cause well, dammit we want to make a movie and star in it! Matt is blond and short and dumb, Bri is blond and short and dumb, Ben is tall and dark and smart, and KB is tall and dark and smart. There's two of them, there's two of us. Hell, we can see it! We think Hollywood will too... :)