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*Our Apartment*

We've come to the conclusion that our Apartment is the puppies second home. WHY? Well, their voices are constanly BLASTING from our rooms, their faces are plastered to their walls, we have stuffed animals that we bought inspired by their *NSYNC puppiness, we're all madly in love with their music, we swear all we need is * to come out with an *NSYNC message board so we can put it on our door, just to draw stuff on the boys faces and make them say funny stuff. They proabbly are in our apartment more than they are on that damn tour bus they live in. And it gets even worse when they are in the spotlight and constanly in the magazines and TV shows.

We have tons of their audio and video works in our entertainment library, we have a bunch of stuff bought and given to us that is just plain all about the puppies, and literally you walk in and you just obviously know that there are a bunch of girls that live here that really like *NSYNC, and also have a thing for stuffed puppies...

So we call our apartment the Puppies Second Home (heeheehee, it's like the SPCA, a shelter for homeless animals, except it's SP*NP, an *NSYNC puppy shelter, but, uh, nevermind, it wasn't really that funny anyway, don't feel bad if you didn't get it... :) ), because they kinda do live there in that spirit-y *NSYNC-y way they have about them... And hey if the real guys want to stop by, we promise it ain't as frightning as it seems, we'd be glad to give up our beds and sleep on the floor if you ever needed a place to chill and all... We promise to make you five feel right at home! ;)