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*2Gether Boys*

WE LOVE 2Gether!!!!!!! They are SO much better puppies than *NSYNC, way better behaved and so cute and adorable and funny, you just gotta love them! Our favorites are Chad and Mickey, because they encompass everything that we love about musicaly talented boys into one nice package! :) If the world was perfect we would create "Making the Band 2" starring Larry the Cucumber, JC, Joey, Chad, and Mickey, THAT would be the worlds most perfect boy band TO US!

We loved the Making the Video with the 2Gether boys, it was so funny and shiny, and had a Kim Smith look-a-like, and a kitty, and a big bee, and cereal, and polyesther... many of the things we love in this world, OH OH OH and an Eminems :) refference! Damn gotta love this video! GO TO TRL and request it now DAMMIT! :)