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Lance's Quotes

Have fun reading through some of Lance's most memorable quotes!

"You've got to have a sense of humor to keep your sanity."

"It's a semi-lounge, semi-kitchen. Right now we're in the kitchen, the lounge, the kitchen, the lounge, the kitchen, okay."

"We're early packers."

"Justin fans watch out because when we come back we're gonna pick his little brain for the deepest darkest secrets. So we'll see you soon."

"Are they edible?"

"I'll play basketball but I'm so bad at it."

"You know what a pecan is right? Well it's a nut, in a shell, and butter is butter, but it's sweet. Nevermind! Chocolate chip!" (describing his fave ice cream)

"It's better than Wheel of Fortune."

"Listen to me, listen to me..."

"We're not a boy band...we're...a dude band."

"Sorry Mom, I have wrinkled clothes."

"Now can I talk?" - speaking to Justin

"M - I - crooked letter - crooked letter - I - crooked letter - crooked letter - I - humpback - humpback - I!"

"We're not going to be able to dance."

"Wow! We almost died."

"Cheese, it was cheese acting."

"He could not move." about Chris

"If I have a girlfriend I want to be there for her. I want to be the best boyfriend I can be."

"Do you believe in love at first sight, or do I have to walk by you again?"

"I can't bear looking in the mirror-I guess that's why my hair looks like this."

"Everytime I'm on something that moves, it just rocks me to sleep."

"I just like the letters, P-M-S... "

" a desperate plea for PURE ANIMAL that I have your attention...."

"Poo Foo, Poo Foo where are you? Please come out and play."

"I like putting one leg in and one leg out of the blanket and I'm either hot or cold. And I like a fireplace, I like sleeping in front of it."

"I can't sleep with any light whatsoever. My cell phone has this little charger. It has this little itty-bitty light and I can see it when my eyes are closed and it bugs the heck out of me, so I have to have total darkness... unless there's a fireplace."

"I'll play basketball, but I am so bad at it. The guys make fun of me for it, but you know, I like to try things."

"The worst feeling in the world is waking up in the morning."

"I get no love."

"I'm ‘N Sync. Last night some guy passed me and said ‘Hey, you're ‘N Sync.' And I was like uhhhhh.. My name's Lance."

"I was skydiving once and I hit a bird."

"I'm the biggest beach bum."

"Somebody's touching my butt!"

"My package is busting out!"