Swollen Issues - Chapter 14

"Crazy Americans," the middle aged bartender mumbled while pouring one of his customers another drink. He was mainly referring to the young blonde boy sitting at the counter dressed in a tuxedo. The boy looked so tired and dazed and judging by his pale complexion he wasn´t feeling very well.

At first he had ordered a beer, having to show his ID since he didn´t look of legal age. The bartender, good at judging people’s age by their looks was in for a surprise. The boy had atucally turned twenty one years old. The same age as his own son.

After a while the boy had called from his cell phone, then asked if he could have, “One Jeagermeister, please.”

This had the experienced bartender caught off guard and his years in Germany had finally paid off. Since this was an international bar he was able to meet his customers request and soon he gave him his first shot.

The boy grinned, explaining that he wanted it for medicinal purposes. It had been great for some other boy referred to as Kevin. He seemed to have respect for this Kevin person and he seemed important to him. The boy continued to explain that it was great for the killing of flu germs.

Hiding a smile, the bartender had thought that all that it was good for was killing off time since the boy would be in no shape to be up and about after drinking that liquid. It was strong and he certainly would have been better off getting to bed.

He poured the brown susbstance into one small shotglass and then handing it to the boy, who was named Nick. Nick seemed to hesitate a moment before drowning the whole glass, getting cheered on by his friends.

The bar was filled with Americans and it seemed like this was some hot star band loaded with lots of cash.

The party’s leader was a Latino man going by the name of Howie. Howie was no where in sight while Nick was devouring the shots. The bartender was sure that if Nick’s older friend had seen what was happening, the boy wouldn’t have downed that many glasses.

“One more!”

Money was placed on the counter. A man with a tatoo gestured towards the boy. The bartender wanted to say no, but the customer by the name of Freddie, looked annoyed and patted the money.

One more Jeagermeister shot was poured, and Nick downed it while getting egged on by his so called friends.

"Okay Nick, one..two..three. Go!"

At the word go, Nick downed the glass, making an grimace from disgust, then putting the empty glass upside down on the counter besisde the other one. He was rewared with pats on his back by his friends.

Shaking his head once more the bartender couldn´t believe how someone in his right mind could drink that stuff. It tasted like cough syrup! Another request for a shot was given and this time the bartender took courage saying, "I think he has .." He was rudely interrupted by another man from the band. "Do your job."

Ít was clear that Nick’s friends were into getting the young boy wasted. Nick was giggling, the shots hitting him pretty hard. The bartender poured another glass, handing it to him, but not without a warning at hand. "Be careful." The blonde boy nodded, his bangs chopping in the process as he took another shot.

Wonder where his real friends are, the bartender thought. The boy would need them since he was getting more and more drunk. He was laughing, but also having a hard time sitting straight on his chair.

After Nick had downed his fourth glass the Latino man joined him at the counter. "Nick," he said firmly "I think you’ve had enough. Come on."

"Howie!!!" Nick seemed to be genuinly happy and gave his friend a hug, nearly knocking them both down on the floor in the process.

"God, Nicky. How many drinks have you had?"

" Three..no, four Jeagermeister!" Nick slurrled while counting the drinks on his fingers. “It´s great..Youshould try it!"

Nick breathed into Howies face and the Latino backed away, disgusted. "No thanks. Gosh Nick, you stink! It smells like you have downed a whole bottle of cough syrup."

The bartender watched with concern as the dark man tried to get the blonde to stand. The friends had left as fast as they came. Another man by the name of AJ had entered the scene after a quick call from Howie.

Nick seemed glad to see this man too, but he wasn´t met with such excitement back. "Come on Ajee!! Let’s have some fun.I wanna fuck some babes!" Nick shouted clinging onto the small man.

"Fuck. Nick snap out of it," AJ was lightly slapping his friend on his cheek, trying to get his attention.

"THIS IS GREAAATTT!” the blonde continued, shouting. He wasn´t quiet for a second.

"No it isn´t," Howie snarled. "Nick you have to sober up. Shit, we’re going to meet some pretty high people and you are wasted!" he shouted, the panic evident in his voice.

"Take it easy, the boy just needs some black coffee, and then maybe puke, then he’ll be good to go," AJ seemed like he had been into the situation before and he was handling the situation with calmness.

"I don´t wanna pukeeee!! I feel so goooooddd, I wanna screeww everyoneee!!!" Nick sang, then laughing at his own words. He waved his arms, hitting AJ in the process.

"Nick, fucking shit..this isn´t happening," AJ mumbled while Nick was leaning heavily on him again.

"Hey Ajee, you´re right, we look like penguins," Nick seemed to pick up his friend’s style for the day and he was grinnig widely." Do you think that there are some Japanese babes that I can bang at the dinner? Maybe under the table?"

"Shut up!"

His friends weren´t too amused and AJ started to accuse Howie for getting Nick this drunk. "It´s not my fault, I swear, " Howie said, grabbing his head. "Kevin is going to be so pissed. Not to mention Bruce. My ass is toasted!" The Latino man had a pained expression in his face.

The skinnier man seemed to calm the other down. "Chillout. Nick is a big boy and he can stand up for his own actions."

Nick who had been quiet for a while, started to giggle again, That´s not all that is big!" he grinned, "Wanna see??" he begun unzipping his pants when AJ slapped him hard across the face.

"Knock it off. Now you´re going to listen to me.....Nick!"

The blonde was hanging with his head, grinning. Another dark man came into the bar, followed by a young girl in a black dress. The bartender looked in amusement as the scene continued.

"Kevin!" Howie said in surprise, his voice changing into panic. So this was Kevin the bartender thought, continuing to watch the live show.

"What the hell is going on here? We were waiting in the lobby when Sarah came in and said that it was an emergency. Taking a quick look on Nick he realized the situation.

"Nick..Kaos," he said, trying to get the boy’s attention.

Nick gave an wide smile, " It worked," he slurred.

"What?" Kevin seemed very irritated. Nick was talking jibberish again.

"I´m well.. the flu.. it´s gone. The Jeagermeister did the trick!"

Kevin looked like an question mark, "What the hell is he talking about?" he asked Howie sharply. Howie explained the situation, shortly and after that Kevin frowned, almost smiling. "Okay Kaos..come on. Let’s get you out of here."

The bartender watched as the three men helped their intoxicated friend out of the bar. Shaking his head once again, he murmured to himself, "Who needs TV?"

Chapter 15