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::2Ge+her for a day::

Yesterday I was sitting in my room, listening to my very own copy of the 2Ge+her soundtrack when an awesome idea came to me. Wouldn't it be cool to be in the band? Even if it was just for a day? So each day this week I decided I would pretend to be a different guy from 2Ge+her. I would dress like them, act like them, basically copy their every move! Hopefully my friends woon't think I'm too psychotic..anyways! I hope you get a kick out of this section.

::A day in the life of Qt::

::Monday,March 27, 2000::

Yuckers, Spring break is over! I woke up today totally dredding school and my life and the fact that this time last week I was sleeping in my warm, comfy, bed. I took a shower, did the hair just right,(got to make sure the yummy hotties notice me) and took five and a half hours to get dressed. (I wore my fubu shirt,even though I hate the brand just to make sure i got Qt's style down cold.) First period was a breeze, but boring. Nothing like a good fainting spell to liven up math class. As I toppled to the ground, everyone got out of their seats, and rushed over to see if I was alive. My teacher actually took a black marker and waved it under my nose to try and wake me up. I opened my eyes and made sure I looked really scared. For the rest of the period I got to sit in the sick room. Maybe I should try that one more often. Walking out to lunch that afternoon I thought I would try and pick up a few hotties at Mcdonalds. My girls and I jammed into my new gold saturn( cool car huh?) and wailed it over to Mickey D's. I walked in all innocent like, then I made my move on the guy working behind the counter. I ordered my usual, and asked for his number too. He actually gave it to me even though he was like 35! (ewww yuck gross I know) I took his hand, kissed it and as I walked away with my food I yelled "You plus me baby!" I can probably never show my face there again. In 8th hour that day, I was feeling kinda ancy so I decided to have a little makeout fest with my hand there. I tapped my friend Andy on the shoulder and said, "Hey guys, check this out! Oh Libby, your the best lookin member of 2Ge+her! Shhh, don't speak! Don't stop, ever." as I held my hand up and stared at it. By the end of this, my whole class was looking at me! I was pretty embarassed,and now all my friends think I am a psycho chick! They still love me though. After 8th period I drove over to my friend Amanda's house where we vegged out and watched TRL. My day just wouldn't be the same without breaking into song, so I grabbed Manda's karoke machine and belted out "Glory, Glory, Halelujah" Qt style. My day as Jason "Qt" Mcknight was an awesome experience.

::My day as Mickey::

::Tuesday, March 28, 2000::

I woke up today feeling kinda bad, a rebel. Like that dude from the Matrix yo! I took a shower, did the whole beauty routine, (gotta look damn good for all the fly dudes out there yo) got into my car, and drove to school. I made sure I had on something that Mickey would wear. I decided to wear my yellow tommy snap pants and a blue tommy shirt, complete with my boyfriends silver chain. I even wore his beeper too! I was really pimpin it dude. Cause Mickey P don't dress like no star spangeled Elvis. (even though I felt like a totaly weirdo and I missed my usual gap ensemble, help!) Second hour was fly dude. This guy who I hate, totally messed with me yo. So I said to myself, "Mickey P's gots to do what Mickey P's gots to do" and I took that dude right down to the smackdown hotel. It was sweet! As I was walking to lunch I made sure I had the homeboy walk down, I even did the little nod to my friends as they walked by. Lunch was pretty tight. Except, the Burger King dude totally bitch-jacked me man. I ordered the usual, a cheesburger and a medium fry. Then she went on about the special they had on apple pies and the different kinds of oinions they could put on my burger. I was so pissed off at this point, sitting there in the drive through wasting gas. I yelled, "Let me break it down for you. I want a cheeseburger, medium fry, no onions on the cheeseburger!" The guy still couldn't get my order right. So I got kind of violent this time. "Yo dude, don't make me get out of my car, that's it! I'm killing you!" I jumped out of my saturn and started punching the electronic menu. A few minutes later the manager came out and asked me to leave as he handed me a bag with my order in it. It was free! I drove away laughing. Maybe I should try that more often. Free food is always a good thing. In gym 7th hour, this dude wanted to be my badmitton partner. He was totally wack yo. Plus, I am always with my homegirl Jenny during gym. He knows this! But he kept pushing so finally I had to say, "You best back up bitch! Jenny is my partner today yo!" He just put his head down and walked away. As he walked away I screamed, "Mickey P has one hoe and one hoe only fool, and that's Mickey P!" Oops! I hope I didn't scare him for life or anything. Later that afternoon I was sitting at my boyfriends house doing my homework when suddenly this urge to sing came upon me again. I got down on one knee, went over to my boyfriend and started singing softly,"Before we say goodbye, before we turn and walk away. Let's give it one more try, before we say goodbye. Stop and find out why, before we say goodbye. We've been down this road before and we've always made it through, but in case we break up, can I still have sex with you?" My boyfriend was kinda upset cause all he could say is, "Is this your way of breaking up with me?" I started laughing and said no, of course not. He just doesn't get my sense of humor! All in all, my day as Mickey "the rebel" Parks was totally cool yo.

::My day as Chad::

::Wednesday, March 28, 2000::

I woke up today, and to my suprise I was feeling a little, well, shy. I quietly got out of bed, showered, and curled my hair. As I ate breakfast with my sister, I glued my eyes to the table and didn't say one word. I was totally afraid something stupid would come out if I did. My sister Olivia asked me what I planned on doing that night. I replied by saying, "I will probably have a whole buttload of homework to do." She just looked at me and asked what a buttload was. I remarked sheepishly, "A buttload is like a thousand dollars. I base this on the fact that one time I stuck five dollars up my butt and I know I could stick way more up there, easy. Way more!" Olivia just shook her head and left for school. As I was leaving the house I noticed Olivia had on my sweater! I called my mom downstairs to make her give it back to me. Little did I know she would side with the little devil. I guess Olivia is like Michael and I am like Jermaine, or Tito. I have this theory that Jermaine was way more important in the Jackson 5 than Michael. I mean, who invented the moonwalk? Jermaine! Who sang "Thriller"? Jermaine! Who even married Lisa Marie Presley? It was Jermaine! Anyways, I got into my car and drove to school. As I listened to my Sisquo cd, I tried to think of a name for my paper on diesel trucks. I decided to name it "Driving 30." Second hour I had to fill out this really hard booklet about myself. There were so many personal questions on there. When asked who my favorite band was I quickly scribbled down, "Matchbox 30." During lunch that day, I decided to eat in the cafeteria and tell all my friends about the new yellow sea doo i was going to buy with my paycheck next month. I talked non stop about that thing! My friend brought me back to reality by asking me where I was going to drive it? Hello! We live in Wisconsin, there is no ocean in Wisconsin. "Those things go on water?" I asked. I never know the right thing to say. 6th hour was so much fun that day. We got to talk about the stars and our solar system. I was asked to get up in front of the class and talk about the planet Jupiter, but instead I showed the class my laser noises and Star Wars impersonations. It was way cool. The class really loved it. During gym that day I got hit in the head with a badmitton birdy and fell to the ground. As the game continued on, I stayed on the ground trying to contribute to the game by making as many laser noises as humanly possible. Needless to say, we lost the game. That afternoon, again I had to urge to break out into song at dinner. When mom asked me what I learned that day I started singing, "I know my Calculus, it says you plus me equals us. Said I know my Calculus, it says you plus me equals us. Go, Go, Go, Go!" My parents were really suprised with my singing voice and the fact that I actually learned something at school. Their tax dollars weren't wasted after all. My day as Chad was very cool. It was a good experience.