Chapter Two

Justin laid on my bed. "So how was your date?" I asked him. "It was alright I 
guess." He said. "You guess?" I asked. "We got mobbed." He sighed. "Again?" I 
laughed. "Yeah, I don't think I will be hearing from her again." He said. The 
phone rang. "Hey, it's not my fault I am famous!" Justin laughed. I picked up 
the phone rolling my eyes at him. It was my Neighbor, best friend, Sydney. We 
started being friends when I first moved here. "Hey Syd." I said glancing 
over at Justin. He knew Sydney had the biggest crush on him. "Justin?" Justin 
shook his head to make me tell her he wasn't here. "Oh yeah he's right here 
hang on." I said handing the phone to Justin as he glared at me taking the 
phone. I laughed sitting at my vanity brushing my hair. 

"Ok, Syd I am gonna go." Justin finally said after about a half hour. I had 
changed into my bathing suit and grabbed a towel when Justin finally hung up. 
"I'm going to go tan." "Your welcome to join if ya want." I said walking 
downstairs of my house I was renting. It was so beautiful. Justin followed me 
down the steps. I opened the back patio door. And laid down my towel. "Curly, 
stop following so close behind me!" I said turning around as he wrapped his 
arms around me and picked me up. "Don't you dare Timberlake!" I shouted., but 
he through me in I grabbed his shirt pulling him in with me. We surfaced. I 
laughed. Justin was soaked. His white wife beater clung to him. "Did I ever 
thank you?" I asked. Justin Laughed. "Yes many of times and I do recall when 
I picked you up off the ground of that alley you said. "Thank-you my guardian 
angel." He said. I blushed diving under the water and swimming to the side of 
the pool and got out and dried off, slipping on my sunglasses and tanned. 
Justin just floated in the pool. 

"Hey guys!" I heard. I looked up to see Sydney standing there in her red 
bikini. "Hey Syd." I said laying my head back on the chair. "Justin why are 
you swimming in your clothes?" She asked.  Justin stare turned to me as I 
giggled from my lawn chair. She laid her towel next to me and jumped in with 
Justin. The phone rang. I went inside. "Hello?" It was Audrey, Lance, Nikki, 
And Jace. "Hey guys they are outside swimming you should come." I suggested. 
I walked back outside to see Syd trying to escape Justin's grasp. "Flirt 
much?" I laughed returning to my towel. Justin let her go. "Who was that?" He 
asked. "Audrey and the gang they are coming over to swim." All of a sudden 
Justin's face turned to terror. "OW!" Justin said feeling a sharp pain in his 
leg. He looked down to see Syd's face. "What?" I said jumping up from her 
chair over to Justin. "Nothing Sydney Just bit my leg." He whined rubbing it. 
"Aww poor baby." I said in a puppy voice. "Tell Sydney to kiss it for you." I 
said washing off my arms in the pool. Justin stared at Mandy. He had a slight 
crush on her. She always said what was on her mind and was never boring. He 
walked over to the edge of the pool leaning his back against the side. I 
looked at him. "What you thinking Curly?"  I said staring at him. As he 
grabbed my arms and pulled me in head first. Justin came under and stared at 
me, while I pushed him away. Sydney came under me and kissed Justin on the 
lips. I surfaced and laughed. Justin came up with Sydney. I got out and laid 
back in the sun as the other guys came through the gate. "Hey guys!" I said 
glancing over at Audrey, Lance had his arm wrapped around her. Nikki and Jace 
coming behind them. I shook my head. "You guys and Nsync I swear!" I laughed. 
"Hey, what's wrong with Nsync?" Justin asked pretending to be offended. Jace 
and Nikki Jumped in the pool. "Justin why are you swimming in you clothes?" 
Nikki asked. Justin laughed. "Long story." Justin glanced over at Mandy whose 
attention was on Audrey talking to her. Chris and Joey came through the gate. 
"We heard there was a party here." Chris said. "Why wasn't we invited?" Joey 
asked. "Oh, Sorry guys." I said wrapping my towel around me. "I'm going to my 
room you guys have fun." They didn't even realize I had slipped off. I laid 
down on my bed and closed my eyes. "You ok?" I heard Justin's voice from the 
door way which made me jump. "Yeah, I'm not feeling well." I said Justin 
walked over to the side of my bed and felt the side of my head and kneeled on 
the floor beside me staring in my eyes. 'She has such pretty eyes' He thought 
to himself. 'I wish I could just kiss her.' "Hey what are you doing tonight?" 
He asked. "Probably just gonna watch TV." I said. "Well, I'm gonna rent some 
movies and bring back some Burger king k?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. 
"Thanks Justin your such a good friend." I said as I closed my eyes falling 

"Hey Justin." Sydney said from the door seeing him stand there staring at 
Mandy. "Come back out to the pool with us, I need a double for the game we're 
playing." Justin turned to Sydney and nodded. "Ok Let's go."  He said taking 
her hand following her out to the pool.

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