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I've always worried that one day I'd crack
an egg and there would be a partly-formed
baby chicken inside of it. I read a book
where that happened. I read another book
where a shipment of eggs was thrown out
for some reason and these little girls
were at the dump and they saw all the 
eggs and they were hatching and there
were little baby chicks coming out of 
them. One of the girls in the group went
and starting crushing the heads of the
chicks. It was the humane thing to do.
     I wonder it could happen. I bet
they do something to the eggs so that
they can't become chicks. I used to think
that the egg yolk was a chicken embryo.
But it turns out the yolk is what the
baby chick uses for food. I don't think
the eggs you get are even fertilized.
So, I guess it wouldn't be likely to
happen. But it could happen, really. 
Things like that happen.