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Chapter 5 ~At The Restaurant~



“Yeah it’s me. I could tell it was you by your eyes and smile. They haven’t changed at all.”

“You’ve changed a lot. You’re even more beautiful since the last time I saw you.”

Christian cleared his throat. “Well, shall we order our food?”

That broke the moment between Brian and Leigh. Leigh could tell that whatever she felt for Brian in the past wasn’t completely gone. It still remained. All this time it was buried deep within her. Seeing Brian again uncovered the lost emotions that she hadn’t felt since the day he left.

“So Brian, are you seeing anybody?”

“Nope, I can’t find a girl who likes me for me. All of the girls I’ve dated in the past few years have only went out with me because I’m a Backstreet Boy.”

“I’m so sorry!”

“Don’t be sorry. There’s gotta be the right girl out there somewhere.”

“OK, whatever you say.”

When all 3 of them were done eating Brian grabbed the bill and offered to pay for it, but Leigh refused to let him pay. Brian insisted and told Leigh she didn’t need to pay since he had invited her and Christian. Leigh gave in. She gave Brian a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Christian sat back and watched as his fiancee was hugging another guy.

“How could she do this in front of me?” he thought. “I’ve bought her nice clothes, a nice car, a nice house, and a very very expensive engagement ring and yet she throws herslef on another guy?”

He acted like money bought love. This is the thing that Leigh hated most when it came to guys.

Chapter 6
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