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Story 1 Chapter 9

"So...let me get this straight. You went to the talk. Talked and fell asleep. Then he took you back to their house, instead of back here which is roughly two blocks away. You slept the whole time and you guys didn't have sex?" Stephanie asked. She's not my brightest friend.

"Yes Steph. It is possible to have a boyfriend that can not also fall into the category of sex toy." Tara said. They were so sick of each other.

Stephanie scrunched her face at Tara and leaned further out of her recliner chair to look at me. "So you guys HAD to kiss. I mean, come on. How was the reunion kiss?" she asked.

I tore my face away from the Real World Marathon on tv to look disapprovingly at Steph. "If you want a 3 page description of a kiss then go buy a trashy romance novel because your not getting one from me." I said. She was gonna get kicked out of the apartment because my life is not her buisness.

"You guys are so...close minded about natural human emotions.." she mumbled. "Oh please!" screamed Tara. "Yeah, just because we aren't total skanks like you...." I said

"You guys! I'm not a hooch!" she said, shocked at how we could ever think such a thing about such a sweet little angel....riiiiight. "Okay," said Tara, "You don't have one outfit that fits you. Your boobs even pop out of your pj's!" I tried not to laugh.

Steph got up, stormed to her room and slammed the door where me and Tara burst into a fit of giggles. Out of nowhere, the phone rang. Both me and Tara leaned over opposite sides of the couch to grab a phone in time to hear Stephanie going "Hello?"

"Get off the phone hooch." Tara said into the phone "Who's callin you?"

"Well it could be Chris, or James, or Josh, or Kyle..."she started. "Well it might be Lance or Justin." I said, I had to get in on the action.

"I don't think so. It's probably Peter." Tara said smirking. "Well let's see who it is. Will our mystery guest please speak up!" I said doing my best Bob Barker impersonation.

"Sorry Tara. Steph." Lance said. I think we scared him. "Ha!" I said in Tara's face. "Ugh," Stephanie said before hanging up her phone. Tara put her's down and got up. "I'll leave you two alone." she said moving her eyebrows. "Shut up!" I said to Tara who left for her room, but I waited until she closed her door to start talking.

"Hey." I said into the phone. "Hey." Lance said back. "Why did you leave so early?" he asked. Looking at my clock it was only 11, and if he didn't know what happend I didn't feel the need to tell him.

"Well, I figured since it was 11 at night in China that I didn't want to overstay my welcome." Lance laughed like I hadn't heard him do in so long. "So.....why did you call?" I asked.

"I dunno. I guess I think we still need to talk." he said. Mmmmk, what to do? What to do? "Well, what should we do?" I asked, I like to speak my mind.

"Talk?" Lance asked. "On the phone?!?!" I said. "Nope." he said. Fascinating conversation, I know.

"Are you doing anything today?" he asked. "I didn't have plans." I said. "Okay well how bout I pick you up at about 3-ish so we can go for a late lunch and then make a day of it?" "Sure."

We said bye (literally, he said 'Okay, bye.' and I said 'Bye.') and hung up.