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Why is Bryan like Shane Lynch, does Mark really fancy Nicky and just who’s up a mountain with a pot of gold? Find out as Nicky gives the wackiest Westlife interview ever…
If Kian was a boxer, how many rounds would he last?
He’s a little bit of a warrior, he’s really into bodybuilding and I reckon he’d take it all the way to be honest- he’s got big biceps!

If Shane was an item of ladies’ clothing, would he be in fashion?
He’d definitely be a pair of very fashionable high-heeled shoes! He has a craving for girls’ high-heeled shoes and short skirts. They’re both a total turn-on for Shane, so I think he’d be half shoes half skirt.

If Mark made a mark what would it be?
I think it would something to do with his voice. He’d write or cover a knockout song and it would be just amazing.

If Bryan was a footballer, what sort of goals would he score?
He’d be a big centre-forward, the kind that used to scare me when I was in goal! One of those big 6ft 2in giants! But he’d score rubbish goals just bumbling the ball over the line!

If you were a record, who’d buy you?
Hopefully everybody! I’d be a slow ballad, not to corny, so all the girls and grannies would buy me, and hopefully some of the lads as well. And I’d want to be a song that means something to people, whether their dog’s died or they’re getting married. I’d be a special song.

If Kian was a book, would he have a happy ending?
Hahaha! I reckon he’d be a bodybuilding magazine! He’d be a bodybuilding magazine with a little romantic story in there and that would definitely have a happy ending!

If Shane was a movie, what oscars would he win?
He’d be a bit of a tearjerker, something like Titanic,’cos he’s a real story type of person. I think he’d win Best Picture and we’ll make up an oscar for Saddest Film!

If Mark was a landmark, what country would he be in?
Mark just loves Ireland, so he’d be a leprechaun, sitting on a mountain in Sligo called Benbulben, with his little pot of gold. We all love Ireland, but Mark gets the most homesick.

If Bryan was a member of Boyzone, would he be married?
Bryan would totally be Shane Lynch. You know Shane, he’s really chilled, doesn’t let things bother him and Bryan’s like that. Shane comes across like he doesn’t care, but he’s very professional, but Bryan really doesn’t care! He sweeps through everything! And would he be married? Yeah, he could be…

If you were another member of Westlife, what would you think of Nicky?
I’d think he was a very cool person, probably the soundest in the band, hahaha! An allround great person, but it would annoy me that Nicky would never admit he was wrong- if something’s black, he’ll say white!

If Kian was an eclipse, would he be as disappointing as the real thing?
Yeah, he’d be very disappointing. No, I can’t say that about him! You might not get as much as you expect with Kian, but you get enough.

If Shane was an interview, what would he be about?
High heels and short skirts, hahaha! He’s a bit of a perv!

If Mark was a Westlife fan, who’d be his fave member?
It’d be Nicky, he’s a great guy. He’d probably fancy him too!

If Bryan was a nightclub, what would be his door policy?
Anything goes! There would be absolutely no dress code, and he would have different music every night, plus revolving dancefloors, slides, water pouring down, it would be mad! I’d go…

If you were to sum up this interview, what words would you use?
Weird, off the wall, crazy. Hahaha!
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