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Westlife conquer the world!

L&K: What’s the bezzer place you’ve been to?
Shane: I loved Sydney in Australia and I got to see the Home & Away set while we were over there too, which was really cool!
Nicky: I’d say Australia too, but I couldn’t live there ‘cause it’s too far away from home for me.

L&K: Have you had any scary moments on planes?
Mark: Oh yeah! We were on our way to Australia, I think, and halfway through our journey a big bolt of lightning hit the wing. It was like a bus driving into the side. Everyone jumped up out of their seats! It was so scary ‘cause we were thrown all over the place, but then it was fine. I’m sure planes are built to withstand that kind of thing.

L&K: Have you ever Flown on Concorde?
Nicky: NO, we haven’t actually. It’s something I’m dying to do though, but it’s very expensive, you know?! I don’t think the record company will put their hand in their pockets for that ‘cause it’s about two and a half thousand quid for a return to New York – I think!

L&K: Where were you when you’ve been the most homesick?
Bryan: Asia.
Nicky: Yeah, it’d have to be.
Bryan: Everything was different. The food, people, grass, trees…it even smells different!
Nicky: Even Bryan was different when we went there! Ha ha! We were there for about four weeks and it was too far away.

L&K: Which country did you like the least?
Kian: Poland I think ‘cause it’s grim and actually quite dull. Nobody seems very happy there and they get hardly any sunlight – that’s probably why.

L&K: What’s the best cure for jet lag?
Bryan: Sleep and lots of it!
Shane: See I reckon you should carry on working through the day and then catch up that night…or drink loads of cola! Ha ha! Lucozade’s pretty good as well!
Nicky: Or good looking air hostesses, eh Bryan?!
Bryan: (Looking bashful) Oh I always flirt with air hostesses! I’m not in the mile high club though!

L&K: Can you speak any other languages?
Nicky: I learnt French in school, but all I can remember now is my name, how many brothers I’ve got and that I’m 12 years old or something! So, erm, no!

L&K: What invention would you create to make being a pop star easier?
Bryan: I’d like a cloning machine so that I could make 10 or more exact copies of me. Then I could be everywhere at once!
Nicky: It’d have to be a time machine so I could get back home to my own bed every night. Then I could do all my promotion, photo shoots and stuff, without missing out on quality time at home!

L&K: If you were a world leader what changes would you make?
Mark: And obvious one would be that everyone had a house and enough food.
Nicky: I don’t really know ‘cause I don’t et into polititcs that much. I’d love to build up soccer in Irealnd to be as competitive and as big as it is in England. It doesn’t get the crowds ‘casue Gaelic football (an Irsih game, kinda like a cross between footie and rugby) is bigger over there. You can handle the ball and it’s a lot rougher than soccer. I’m a lot better at soccer!

L&K: Ar eyou comfortable with being sex symbols around the world?
Bryan: Ha ha ha! I might see Shane, Kian, Nicky and Mark as sex symbols, but never me! You have to be good-looking to be a sex symbol!
Kian: I’m not one, but if I was I’d be delighted!

L&K: Are you millionares?
Nicky: No. We’re nowhere near being milionaires! We can get by and buy little presents for our friends and family, but we’re not even half way near being millionaires.
Bryan: We’re not even one millionth of being millionaires! (Eh? You haven’t even got a quid to lend us? –Ed)

L&K: What have you learnt about life now that you’re so famous?
Mark: Most people make out that money’s the most important thing. You need a little bit of money, but really the thing that I’ve discovered is that healtrh, family and friends are crucial. Anything is possible then ‘cause you’ll be happy.
Shane: I’ve learnt that people trat you differently. It annoys me when people pretend to be our best friends when we hardly know them!

L&K: Does it ever scare you that you're getting so big?
Nicky: I think we're the same size as we always were!
Bryan: But, I'm definitely getting bigger! Ha ha!

L&K: Do you ever worry about fans getting obsessed with you?
Bryan: Normally it’s fine. It’s nice to see the support and have close contact with fans – it keeps interest alive.

L&K: What’s been your scariest ever fan experience?
Shane: A girl pulled my tracksuit bottoms of once! I was just standing there in my boxer shorts in the middle of Dublin! Luckily I was wearing nice Calvin Kleins! Ha ha!
Bryan: In Indonesia, we came back to the hotel and there were fans in our room…
Nicky: The security guards were thumping the walls, shouting at everyone to get out! Then the girls started crying and we were trying to calm them down.

L&K: What’s this about you lot getting full time minders?
Kian: That was a load of rubbish! It was a silly made-up story. I wouldn’t get a bodyguard even if I needed one!
Bryan: We’re big enough to look after ourselves and Anton (our tour manager) also looks after us.
Nicky: You’re not gonna believe this, but Anto’ is a black belt in Tai Kwon Do!

L&K: Are there any places where you can go for privacy?
Mark: We were home for three weeks at Christmas and most of the time my parents’ house is fine. Every day there’d be a few girls shouting out my name or something, but I could cope with that. I think people know me less in London – so sometimes I liek it here ore.
Kian: My parents’ isn’t very private anymore ‘cause there’s just too many people calling at the house. I’d have to go away on holiday.

L&K: Have you every said, ‘Do you know who I am?’
Kian: No and I never would! Never! I’m Kian – not anybody special and if people know who I am then they know. The only way I’d say things like that is, ‘Hello, I’m Kian from Westlife. Is it OK if I come in?’ I might say that sort of thing but I’d never be pushy.

L&K: Is it weird being so in demand with everyone wanting a piece of you?
Nicky: If fans speak English it’s fine ‘cause you can calm them down if everything gets a bit hectic. In some countries though – Indonesia and places – it’s omre run for you r life! You just have to get out of there as quickly as possible!
Bryan: I remember we did a book signing and thousands of people turned up. We left the back entrance and there was like a mob of about 400 girls just sprinting towards us! We had to jump over the wall into a police van! That was something I dreamt about as a kid. Ha ha!
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