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The blondes versus the brunettes...
TVH: You're in a club and spot a girl coming back from the loo with her shirt tucked into her knickers...Whad'ya do?
Mark: I reckon you let her have a bit of a walk around, heh-heh!
Kian: I'd run over and pinch her bottom! Only joking!
Bryan: It'd be a good chat up line wouldn't it! I'd say something like, 'Do you always walk around with your shirt tucked into your knickers?'
Shane: I'd watch for a bit, but I'd definitely go up and fix it for her. I'd say, 'Sorry, I'll just get that!'
Nicky: I'd probably die laughing, but then I'd go over and quietly tell her what was wrong, I'd say (laughing) 'I don't mean to interrupt you, but your bottom is showing'.
TVH: Well, we never! Who'd have thought our boys could be soooo cheeky? We love it!

TVH: You've got a photo-shoot first thing, but it's your best mate's birthday party and you're having a fab time and don't wanna leave...whad'ya do?
Mark & Kian: Stay!
Bryan: I went on "Never Mind The Buzzcocks" the day after Nicky's birthday. The party went on 'til 8 am which was a bit of a struggle...
Shane: I'd stay for as long as I could and use eye drops the next morning. We did that after Nicky's.
Nicky: The first time we were in Sydney, Shane, Kian and I met up with some friends there. We went back to the hotel and were still in the sauna at eight the next morning. Our eyes were so red the next day!
TVH: If the party's rocking - you ain't getting these boys to bed!

TVH: You're away and desperate to get a tan, but you've been forbidden by the record company 'cos you're filming a video...whad'ya do?
Mark: We were in Tenerife shooting the "If I Let You Go" video, and Bryan and I wanted to play tennis. They didn't want us getting too much sun, so we said, 'OK' and went and did it anyway!
Bryan: I'd definitely go get the tan!
Shane: I'd go out and get a tan then get them to put lots of make-up on me the next day.
Kian: I am the tan man. I love getting a good tan!
Nicky: We call getting sun a 'gimme', 'cos you're like, 'gimme more sun!'
TVH: It's bronzed bods ahoy! Looks like none of 'em take to much notice of the rules! Rock 'n' roll boys!

TVH:If you caught someone spiking the punch at a party, would you grass them up?
Bryan: If it was just a bit of fizzy pop then that'd be fine, but if it was anything else then I'd grass.
Mark: some people make a conscious decision not to drink and I don't think it would be fair to let them drink something they didn't know about.
Shane: I'd definitely keep quiet then I'd drink it myself, heh-heh! We were in Ronan's house one night and one of his friends came round. We gave hima drink with loads of vinegar in it and didn't tell him. He just knocked it straight back and was puking all over the place. It was so funny!
Nicky: I'd stop it - I hate all of that stuff!
Kian: If everybody was in the modd already, then I'd help, but if there were younger people there, I'd grass them up.
TVH: Shane you naughty scamp! Maybe you should take a leaf out of Nicky and Mark's books. Then again...

TVH: If a gorgeous girl asked you to go skinny-dipping in the hotel pool where everyone was staying, would you do it?
Bryan: (giggling cheekily) I've actually been in that sort of situation once in Ireland...but that's all I'm gonna say!
Mark: I'd do it as well. But I'd be clever enough not to let the guys catch me!
Shane: Even if the pool was in the middle of the hotel I'd still do it - as long as it was at night...
Kian: You'd be a sad man not to!
Nicky: If I didn't have a girlfriend, then of course I wuold! It'd be funny if the paparazzi caught you though - I don't know what I'd say to my mam!
TVH: Seems like all the lads like nothing better than a bit of a nudie dip - watch out if you're staying in the same hotel!

TVH: You're on a tv show and one of the others has a rude (but v. funny) note pinned to their back...whad'ya do?
Shane: I wouldn't tell him! We've had lots of things like that happen, like one of us has just blown their nose and there's still snot stuck to their face!
Bryan: When we were on a plane back from Poland once, Mark fell asleep and one of the guys drew a big red nose and tear drops on his face. It was priveless 'cos he got off the plane and didn't realise until we got back to the hotel - and he flipped out!
Mark: There's no way I'd tell them now! The worst bit was that we were doing pictures and stuff with fans at the hotel and they were all alughing at me and I couldn't work out why!
Kian: I'd leave it - we do it all the time and we'll add to it any way we can!
Nicky: We're all wind up merchants!
TVH: Ooh, you can't take yer eyes off'em for a moment, can you?!

TVH: You get invited to two parties, one's a close friend's the other's the party of the year..which do you pick?
Bryan: It was one of our mate's birthday on the night of "Miss World" and we went to the birthday party.
Mark: I'd go to my mate's, every time. There are more important things in life than just having a good time.
Shane: I'd always go to my mate's before anything.
Kian: I'd go to my mate's first and then the big one!
Nicky: I'd get my friend invited to the big party!
TVH: Ahhh bless, what anice bunch of lads, though we like Kian and Nicky's clever way around it!

TVH: The girl of your dreams asks you to go away for the weekend when you’re meant to be rehearsing..whad’ya do?
Mark: I’d try my best to get away, but the band is more important.
Bryan: I’d go to rehearsals.
Shane: I’d always put the band first. That’s the number one rule, girls don’t come before the band. (Sneakily) But I’d pay for all the guys to fly to where we were going and have the rehearsal there!
Kian: I would definitely go to the rehearsals.
Nicky: Nah, we can rehearse anytime. I’d ring the lads and say, ‘look at the chance I’m getting, I know you’ll understand!’
TVH: You go, Nikcy! We reckon Shane’d be there in a flash, too! AS for the other threee…bah humbug!

TVH: You’re on a promotional tour of New Zealand, and everyone deicdes to go bungee jumping. You hate heights…whad’ya do?
Mark: I haven’t bungee jumped yet, but I’d love to! Kian’s done it over concrete, but that’s Kian for you! He has no sense, ha ha!
Kian: Yup! I did it in Ireland, from a crane!
Bryan: the closest I’ve come, is jumping off high cliffs into the sea and that sort of thing.
Nicky: I’d love to do it, but I think I’d bottle it unless someone pushed me!
Shane: I have a fear of all that stuff. The most daredevil thing I’ve done was this ride where they strap you into a big ball, and it just drops!
TVH: Looks like Mark and Kian are the real daredevils of the bunch – but we never had Shane down as a wimp!

TVH: You meet your all-time hero, only to find out he’s got really bad breath! He’s talking right up close to you…whad’ ya do?
Bryan: I definitely wouldn’t tell them, how embarrassing!
Shane: My all thime hero is Michael Jackson, so I don’t think I’d be able to say anything to him!
Mark & Kian: I’d give them a mint!
Nicky: Well, I wouldn’t be wanting to snog them anyway…Maybe I’d say ‘You’ve been an idol of mine for so long that I thought I’d buy you a present’ and hand them a toothbrush and toothpaste!
TVH: We like your style Nick, but perhaps slipping them a mint might be a little bit more subtle!

TVH: You’re in bed at 3 am and your mates ring saying they’re at the best party ever…whad’ya do?
Kian: Get out there! I’m gone already…Probably still in my pyjamas!
Nicky: I’d be picking the others up on the way…
Bryan: Mark and I would be like, ‘right lads, we’ll see you later’, and jump out of the windows!
Shane: I wouldn’t go, ‘cos I love sleeping. I’m terribly lazy you know!
TVH: Aren’t we the party animarls Nicky an dKian – although pyjama’s on the dancefloor may possibly not be the best look?! And Shane, just remember, you’ll have plenty of time to sleep when you get old and wrinkly!

TVH: You’re doing a gig and spot a beautiful girl in the front row. She gives her number to a bouncer who brins it back for you...whad’ya do?
Mark: that’s a tough situation ‘cos you don’t know if she’s giving the number just ‘cos you’re up on stage…
Bryan: She could be a psychopathic killer for all you know!
Shane: If she was really gorge, then definitely. If she was a psycho I’d be able to tell after 20 minutes and I’d be nice and tell her I had to go. I’ve done that sort of thing before. I’ve dated a couple of fans…
Nicky: If I didn’t have a girlfriend and she was that nice and was old enough, then I’d give her a call!
Kian: I’ve actually dated a Swedish girl that followed the band before.
TVH: Bry – we think you might be being a bit dramatic there! And Shane, WOW! It’s always the quiet ones! And as for you Mark, that’s far too much of a popstar answer…

TVH: You’re all off to a fancy dress party but the code is ‘animals’..what woud you wear?
Bryan: I’d go as a beaver, ‘cos I’ve got bucked beaver teeth!
Mark: I would go as a donkey!
Shane: i think I’d like to go as a horse ‘cos I really love horses.
Kian: Nup, I would go as the horse ‘cos I’m a bit of a stallion you see, heh-heh.
Nicky: I would go as a tiger or a fox I think.
TVH: A stallion you say Kian! We’re not 100% sure about that, but then again we can’t really see mark as a donkey either…

1st: Kian 2nd: Nicky 3rd: Shane 4th: Bryan 5th: Mark
Well that proves it then, on the whole it seems that blonds really do have more fun – although our Shane proved to be a bit on the cheeky side! Maybe next time my dark lovelies…?!
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