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AJ McLean

The following clips require Real Audio Player

Click to hear AJ introduce himself
Hey Mr. DJ (keep playing this song) his is the lead voice
Click here to hear AJ go wild and crazy in the beginning of the song Larger than Life
Everytime I close my eyes (lead voice)


Aj loves McDonalds food! When he was younger he had a speech impediment, and had a lisp and used to stutter, He sometimes wears colored contacts to change his brown eyes to blue or violet. He changes his hair so much its hard to keep up with, and has a lot of tattos and body peircings, tho they are still tasteful and stylish. He is a real romantic and prefers the company of women rather than men (Apart from the Backstreet Boys) He carries a pillow with him on tour and his mom is his best friend who tours with him also! Awwww!

To see AJs photogallery click here