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Anywhere For BSB

Hey everyone!! Welcome to the Offical Site of the newsletter Anywhere For BSB!! If you're not here as a member of our newsletter then I welcome you and encourage you to join the newsletter. It is run by myself (Heather) and our AWESOME VP Kim. Please use the links at the bottom to contact either of us. Well as most of you can see the site just went up so there will be lots and lots of updates coming very, very soon. There will be a members' corner so send in anything you'd like to post on the page. You will get full credit for anything you send in. That's about it for now. There isn't much to look at right now but look around for what is here. KTBSPA!!

This is my friend, Mr. Fuzzie. Isn't he the cutest thing you've ever seen?

Coming Very Soon:
Latest News
Fun Facts
Photo Galleries
Fan Fiction
Member Corner
Miscellanious Stuff
Sister Zines
TV Apperances

Contact Us
President Heather
Vice President Kim
Join the newsletter!

**Disclaimer: We are in no way officaly connected with the Backstreet Boys. Our advice: Don't believe anything you hear 100% until it comes out of one of the Boys mouth.
Please don't email us thinking that you're going to get a reply from one of the Boys cause it's just not gonna happen. We do love getting your comments and questions so please feel free to email us about anything!!

This site is run and maintened by your webmaster, Heather. Please ask before you take anything!!Thanks!!