Go Canada.


I thought the incessant red was shit... So I have converted to black. They say it's the new black!
By the way, I have decided to take this more seriously so I am currently working on some more bullshit projects. I have a big one coming up soon so stay tuned. Plus I attempted to get the BBC website to have "jism" as one of it's most popular searches, but I gave up after 2 hours. But that's just spurned me on to cause trouble..

By the way... Seeing as I have no imagination to call my own, I want suggestions for more tributes.




Rednick's Hate List


Other websites...that are probably better

Kirsty's Website - Like this...only pinker
Steadweb - A Guestbook
Free Porn - Does exactly what it says on the tin
Totse - How to make bombs and stuff...I love this site!
The Steve O website - Great!

If you want your website, or someone elses website putting on, just tell me, and I will put it on. So there is no need to do a shameless plug on the guestbook is there?