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Creation Date (Well started anyway 11.22.2002)


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Hi there! My name is Leigha. I live in Missouri, but I am planning to move to Illinois very soon, oh and I'm 21. So that's the major stats. I'm a true blonde, no common sense and all! I love to play Spelldown on Yahoo! (I'm addicted) I also play a lot of video games thanks to my wonderful boyfriend. I currently live with my family a mom, a dad, 2 sisters, a dog, a bird, and some fish. Let's see what else about me.....I'm going to school to become a stage manager for theatre. As far as movies go I really like Mel Brooks movies, Tombstone ("I'm your huckleberry." is the greatest line!) and Star Wars! Well, guess that's about it for me!

The Mission of this Web Page!

This web page is dedicated, well to me, to be perfectly honest! It's a place for me to put my favorite links, photos, and just random stuff. So, if you don't like it well then too bad for you!

My Favorite Sayings, Quotes, Lyrics, etc.

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