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Computing Support

Computing Support
English Montreal School Board
John F.Kennedy Business Centre
Vocational Education Centre

The program leads to a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS) in Computing Support

Objectives of the Program:
  1. Install the computer hardware. software and operating system
  2. Manage access to the resources of a network
  3. Troubleshoot a computer problem
  4. Provide technical support at a telephone help desk
  5. Ensure the proper operation of computers in a workspace
  6. Service clients in the workplace
  7. Write computer programs using Visual Basic
  8. Design web pages using HTML
  9. Use and support office software
  10. Comptia A+ Certification training
Career Opportunities: Admission Requirements:
(You must satisfy one of the following conditions)
Documents Required for Admission:
Duration: 1800 hours, 120 credits - Monday to Frday 8 AM to 3:30 PM

Financial Assistance:
(Funding may be available from these sources)

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