Willow of Love~

The Link Below Will Take You To the Next Chapter in the Book of My Life~

White Ivory Room comes after this one..

@~Morning began early over the great land of the plantation as the sun rose silently from over the quiet gardens with it's rays streaming in through the parlors windows and past the long white curtains that moved like dancers in the mist casting it's golden yellow rays across her creamy nakedness. Off in the distance, deep inside her very dream, she could hear the sound of showering water off in the distance,was it the rain that falls or the sound of his voice cascading inside her mind or maybe just her memories blended with the rain foreshadowing something much more to come. Her starry eyes opened slowly and her tiny hands softly stroked the rug under her firm body, her supple creamy breasts pushed up in small mountains against the plush of the fur she laid on as she woke she caught her breath. Was it all just a dream, the falls the gardens, the dungeon, and the snake, was it all ever so real? Slowly as she moved around the fur rug, her hand reached back and touched her tight round full ass and her fingers felt the engraved outlined of a bird,it was then her eyes grew wide for it was no dream after all. The brand on her more then perfect ass was as real as it was inside her still fluttering heart. Her fingers slowly felt the outline, tracing it just a bit,tender now but just as permanent as Anthony was and always would be in her life. Picking her head up carefully she looked around the parlor for a sign of her love. The fire that once burned hot in the fire place now was gone and only the darkness filled the hole under the large mantle.Reaching for her hair she felt it soiled and dirty and as she quickly turned her head her hair whipped wildly down across her body coming to rest against her pert fully nipples as she scanned the room slowly. She picked herself up and her eyes grew wider only to find her skin brown with dirt,then the feeling hit her,something had been deep inside her flower folds and her ass ached as if it had been explored with vengeance but there was nothing there now but something had invaded her of this she was certain. Now alone and afraid her hands grabbed the rug and she clutched it against her breasts covering them. She looked around the room slightly shaken while she took in the rooms warm beauty so pleasing it was to her soul,it seemed to bring her comfort because she realized she was home at last. Looking up she saw the great diamond chandelier with its jewels hanging down from it's candles which now stood dormant without flame. Fine colorful vases surround the room's seventeenth-century Victorian furniture which graced this place with their style and charms. Some of the pieces of furniture very large and ornate yet some very delicate and extremely fragile. In a corner hutch were three shelves which held three colorful stained glass butterflies with lead bodies that were a gift from the Master years before. Sometimes,when it was very quiet,it almost seemed as if they floated and move around the hutch as she stared at them lovingly,just the way they seem to moved even now as she stared at them with amazement.Candles of all assorted sizes filled this room as they filled all the rooms in the Castle,hundreds of them were scattered about in a random fashion and although they were not lit they each still seem to hold a glow about them,almost an aura of magic,and as she looked at each one she wondered where was he her Anthony the one she loved; the Crow. She sat up and held the rug tighter to her naked body as she looked around the parlor and searched for a sign. The water sound still ran through her mind but now she knew it was real. She stood up still holding the rug against her nakedness and followed the sounds of the flowing waters.She walked slowly following the sound past the lovely well decorated parlor and up the stairs,slowly passing the oil paintings which hung along the wall. Paintings of the innocence,of children playing on the grounds of the mansions. Happy faces of children at play,a boy with dark curly fluffy hair and deep brown eyes and a sweet girl of sunlight with soft silky blonde hair. Paintings which always sang inside her soul and the laughter of the children could almost be heard in her ears as she passed each and every one of them. She climb each stair following the sounds of the water and glanced at the paintings which hung along the walls and sighed,she knew their deeper meanings,deeper then her understood understandings that she shared with her Master could ever speak,she knew what they meant,she just knew.Reaching the top of the landing she walked slowly towards the sound of the rushing water, very close now the sound,she took baby steps and pushed open the door and saw her lovely Victorian bathroom filled with candles all aglow flickering wildly. The scent of lavender filled her senses as did the fragrance of roses and the wildflowers that she loved. She breathed them in deeply,the scent so pleasing,she smiled as she inhaled. Hungrily she gazed at her white pearl tub with its gold claw feet while the water poured warm inside it,filling the tub slowly as tender daisy petals swirled along the surface almost dancing around the waters tide as if they were couples in the dance of forever and always. On the window sill was a large vase of roses,yellow,red,and the pure white in full bloom. The vase which was made of pure gold supported these flowers gently and almost caressed them as it held them in beautiful clusters steady. Moving closer towards the inviting tub,still holding the soft rug against her body,she turned quickly as Anthony appeared in the doorway of the bathroom. His long black puffy ridding pants held his legs,a white sleeveless shirt graces his chest strongly and his voice boomed,
"Morning, My Lady!"
She dropped the rug from shock as she whipped around and look at his rugged face.
"Did you sleep the sleep of the angels my love? He asked in a softer voice.
Naked and dirty she walked up to him then raised her hand and slapped his face hard,
"How dare you!! Her voice screamed,
"How dare you take me to that awful place!!
Her eyes filled with rage but Anthony's voice was loving as he spoke but filled with passions hell fire.
"Yes, I dare because my love is greater than any and you are mine because your soul demands it so!”
He grabbed her by her arms then pulled her in hard against his body,their lips so very close,she could feel him as he breathed. They pause a moment both their hearts racing then he kissed her lips fully with fury but she fought back,moving her arms wildly until his kiss moved her into a state of pure bliss. Their lips locked and their heads tilted right then left and their kiss deepened as their passions were once again almost unleashed. Slowly they broke this kiss and pulled apart knowing they loved gazing into each others eyes so very deeply,still holding each other in a lovers embrace. The tub was now almost full and the petals still danced around the surface,he move to the tap and turn it off and her eyes locked on his tight ass even through his ridding pants. He turned and walked back to her then took her hand and help her to the waiting tub. She lifted her leg and stepped past the floating petals and sighed softly. Turning towards him she smiled a small smile then move her other leg in and blushed a sweet shade of mauve. Candles flickered around the bath,she slid down into the tub and the petals surround her gently clinging to her hot skin. Leaning back in the warm water she once again sighed as the water surrounded her and she watched her breasts float a just bit above the waters surface. He knelt before the tub and took the pure French soap and began to wash her neck slowly as she tilted her head from one side to another basking in the pleasure of the tub and the feel of his strong hands against her skin. His hand slid the soap around then across her body so firm and then he glided it down then over her left breasts. Dirt ran off her body and yet the flower petals seem not to be disturbed by the brown earth that mixed with the warm water and each of the petals held their own vivid colors. Anthony's hand moved across her breasts then over her right nipple slowly as the soap engulfed it until her whole breast became surrounded in the silk of the perfumed vanilla soap.The petals danced in swirls around her and she closed her eyes then opened them once again and smile gently. Carefully he washed her breast as she whispered softly,
"Anthony," her voice soft like a whisper.
He place his wet finger to her heart shaped full pouty lips,
"Shhhh " he said, "Yes I love you. "
He glided the soap just the underside of both of her breasts,
"I have always loved you,fought for your honor and I have cared for you and cherished you, for you are my little one."
His hands dipped under the water and washed her tummy clean of foul dirt.
"How did you know I was going to ask you that?" Her voice soft and touching filled with amazement.
Anthony's voice was loving,"For I know your soul my love."
His hands moved lower,washing her right leg as silky soft bubbles surrounding her thighs and the petals clung to her skin like a lovers hold. He spoke softly,
"I now see your eyes but I never told you what I saw in them my tender one.”
"What do you see my sweet Anthony?"
He glided the soap along her other leg then tenderly washed her soft silky inner thigh.
"What I saw when I gazed inside your eyes up was not the blue of the ocean but the blue of the Heavens on fire. A need to be filled and filled again,a pair of searching eyes that longed to have a love so true in your life that he would risk all,fight anyone,just to be the one you saw in your hearts deepest desires. Eyes that call out softly whispering inside my mind fill me and fill my soul."
His hands washed down along her other leg once more,so sensual her legs are,he thought to himself and he smiled slowly. Anthony washed her lower legs as her eyes closed and the steam rose up from the flowered water bath. In a past life she and Anthony were one and maybe in a future life they will be one again but all he knew was today and the love he carried just for her. Tenderly he brush her heat with his left hand and she sat up and smiled. He reached for the Victorian water picture wash jug and dipped it under the water,bringing it to her hair then letting it flow warm over her silky tendrils. Her hair wet Anthony dipped it under again and then slowly poured it down over her hair once more. Grabbing the glass bottle filled with the Lavender Blush shampoo imported from Paris with it's scent sweeter then real Lavender she adored so. He removed it's cap then put the bottle down and began working it in with his strong fingers until it lathered up and bubbles ran down her neck,past her breasts,flowing over her pert almond nipples until the lush bubbles ran down her tummy then back into the warm water below.Anthony's hands caressed her hair as he lean in and kissed her softly along her lips,their lips touched,brushed and touched once again and their hearts leaped as one,for once the flames of love become so strong none can stop the fire that burns with in. Slowly he pull away and dipped the water picture jug back in the flowered covered warm water,pouring it over her hair once more as the soap ran down and off her trickling down her soft skin. She smiled softly as his hands ran along her hair rinsing it clean. Gently he raised her arms then slowly he washed her left then he raised her hand,kissing the back of her wrist lightly,only to lower it again,back under the warm water. His hand reached for her other arm but before he touched it she splash him and they both laughed.She washed her face quickly then rinsed it thoroughly then took his face tenderly in her small hands as their lips drew closer and their eyes search each other's souls until their lips touched once,then twice,slowly their heads tilted back and forth and they kissed short long and deeply,they shared kisses which has no end,no middle but only amazing beginnings. Time passed and the kisses grew until they sighed and their lips parted while their tongues flickered around inside each others mouth. His hand slipped under the water then touched her pearl gently,rolling it with delicate care. Anthony's fingers slid down against her wet velvet petals then his middle finger entered carefully inside her womanly portal as her eyes closed while she relaxed in his love. Her head turned as she moaned while he softly slid in deeper exploring her depths. Gingerly he moved his finger back out and then he smiled.Anthony stood up then took from the rack a large laced edged teal bath towel and held it open for her. She slowly stood up from her tub as the petals trailed in sheets down along her beautiful silky clean princess like body. She stepped out of the tub and into the warm clean towel as he wrapped her clean body tightly in its cozy warmth with her blush plainly evident on her face. His hand went behind the door then lifted up the most beautiful long white wispy day gown her eyes had ever seen,also from Paris,with its swoop neckline and long puffy bell sleeves. Light and airy the fine gown and so sheer that candlelight easily passed through it.
"Please My little one, dress and I shall return for you in a blink of an eye."
He smiled as he turned then walked out of the bathroom and then down the stairs. She could hear the door open and his footsteps on the verandah,dropping the towel and taking the gown,she slipped it on,it fit perfectly,forming along each curve of her damp body. She looked in the standing mirror that sat in the corner of the bathroom and catch a glimpse of her beauty and she wondered,
"What does he see in me? Why is it me he loves so? Is it my face,my body,my laughter,my soul?"
She wondered as the candles flickered around the master as she looked closely in the mirror,she was breath taking.
"Does he love me?
She asked the mirror and the mirror seemed to whisper.
"Yes,for his love is pure."
A smile came across her face,a sweet smile as she realized the mirror was correct.
"Yes, he does love me how could I be so silly,he cares for me,he was there almost every time I needed him. He loves me,that’s why he shared his dreams with me and now I see these dreams are meant only for me,for as time has gone by his dreams have become more and more detailed for me and only me."
Thoughts turned deeper inside while she moved about in her white gown and gaze at the beauty that only belonged to her. Out on the verandah the sound of his mighty steed is heard clip clopping on the wooden floor below. The horse name Zalhazar and her Master who rode atop stepped his mount into the Castle Mansion and then trotted his steed up the staircase. Anthony held it's reins and guided it up to the landing his horse firm under his tight bodies control. Her eyes grew wide as she ran to the bathroom door just at that moment she saw his horse right in front of her and her Master guiding it savagely closer towards her, he smiled brazenly,
"You,my lady,look amazing this morning."
The horse moved nervously around the landing.
"Simply beautiful my dear,please raise your gown and bare your ass to my eyes,my lovely."
She turn around and lifted the light airy gown,
"Ahhh yes the brand is all healed and you wear it well I see, now truly you are mine and yet I still adore the butterfly inside you."
"Why is this horse in my home!" She yelled in a commanding voice,
"What in the name of God do you think your doing Anthony?"
Anthony took her hand then lifted her quickly to the back of the mighty horse,her eyes so very wide,she hung on tightly against his back,her arms wrapped around his firm waist,then he turned the horse around and they race down the stairs and out the door across the verandah and along the grassy lawn of the plantation and Castle they loved.The sun was much higher as they rode along the cloudless sky and past the gardens then out in the wild of summers wind. They rode hard on the horse and her gown flew in the breeze,making her look even more angelic than she already was. Her gown flew in the wind as they rode fast across the land, his horse was as wild and free as was her very spirit. They rode up a hill past the wild flowers called purple rain and the rare orange and black poppy flowers that dotted the hillside.Beautiful and wild these flowers grew along with daisies and dandelions in huge numbers along the green of the plush wild fields they rode through. A small stream cascaded down along the hill,the feeding stream of the great falls of love they played in days before. They rode to the top of the hill where there was a clearing among the wild flowers and he stopped the horse then dismounted,taking her hand under watchful eye of the bright shine of the sun,he helped her down with care,holding her hand with his fingers interlaced inside hers and he marveled at her beauty and purity. They walk along hand in hand over the grassy place along the bank of the stream and they both smiled for their love was real and their adventures never seem to end. In the middle of the clearing was a large Willow tree with its branches so long and graceful that each branch touched the mossy covered area that surrounded the base of this graceful tree.Anthony and his love walk slowly towards the tree past the branches of the willow as it's limbs danced along the ground in the winds of summer. He gazed inside her eyes then softly kiss her lips as his hands moved around her waist, holding her tightly while they kissed long and deeply under the summer sun.The kiss was full and very magical and as their lips parted their tongues explore each others mouths. Love birds flew wild overhead and danced in the clear skies above. Deeply they kissed as her hair showered around her shoulders, so much love and caring felt between them as their kiss grew ever deeper. Not far away along the hill small deer grazed in the fields and bunnies hopped along their merry way making this place even more magical then it already was. Slowly they broke their kiss with soft pulls of their lips, lips which never wish to part. They smile as her head dipped down and she blush softly then she moved a step back as butterflies floated around them. He loosened his pants as she watch letting them fall to the moss below,slowly kicking them off.His cock hard and thick and a great reveal around its massive head. Anthony pulled off his shirt over his head and stood naked before her. They moved once more closer together and swayed softly around as they held each other dearly. His manhood pressed against the softness of her gown and then he ground it tenderly around the silk of her fabric,making his shaft even harder,they kissed once again,a deep powerful kiss of love shared between two passionate souls. Their heads tilted slowly as this kiss engulf them more with each passing second. Lips that bond and became one as they drank in each other's breaths exchanging life forces in this heated bliss of love and raw emotion.Anthony's hands surround her back and her slender fingers entwined in his long dark hair all the while their lips hungrily devour each other's fire and fury. Slowly they slid down to the soft moss under the tree as her kisses took charge sending shivers through his very soul. She push him as they kissed,pushing him down along the soft moss below them,his strong back felt the tender earth as she moved over him lifting her gown and exposing her heat against his shaft as they kissed deeper still. Grabbing his hot thickness inside her delicate hands she hovered above his hips as she broke his kiss and she whipped her head back as she placed his cock against her slit and slid down around him in one slow move. His sword pushed deeper inside her heat as her eyes closed and she lost herself in the heat of the moment. Quickly she leaned down and kiss him softly as her hips rocked back and forth with his sword buried deeply inside her. Her gown covering all they did under the massive tree and as they kiss deeper as more butterflies hovered around them watching the two lovers bond once again a way few have. Tilting her hips again,she gasped and broke the kiss just as the head of his shaft hit her hidden secret treasure chest and brushed against it like a paint brush slow and sweet,but with the strokes of a master. "Anthony!!"
She screamed as she climaxed at once and shiver as the waves of rapture over took her very quickly by surprise. Her body shook with force as her flower creamed around his pulsating meat,her cream much more then a gush making her flood run wild between her thighs. Her body arched hard and her hair flew back then whipped around and she locked eyes with him as her hand worked her gown top lower below her perfect breasts revealing her beat red hardened nipples to his feasting eyes. Taking his hands in hers she brought his palms to her breasts and he held them tenderly as she began to move up and down over his shaft building the pace. Anthony held her breasts and slowly pinched her nipples. Moving faster their breathing grew even harder as his hips pushed up and then down and her wetness ran wild over his beating shaft. Her hands slipped inside her hair and she lifted it as they made love under the golden rays of the sun. Anthony's shaft throbbed inside her while they made love under the great willow tree. The sound of their hearts beating blending with their own wild moans along with the sound of the running water of the stream is all that can be heard. They blushed as his sword moved in and out of her tight pussy deeper each time,once again hitting her G spot as she gasped in awe. His hands left her breasts then brushed along her hips holding them tightly moving her body up and down over his shaft harder each time. Anthony touched her cheek softly with his hand as her dream filled eyes closed,her heart racing like the wind with her own loving emotion for time is the one true gift that is really more priceless. She leaned over him and her hair cascaded around his chest as she pulled up her gown and watched as his shaft disappear into her sweet flower.Looking back at him quickly with a wicked smile she pushed down hard each time sending waves of pleasure into Anthony's soul. Hips rocked as his sword throbbed inside her deeply again and again as she slammed down harder each time under the deep blue skies of the summer sun. Her body lunged down over his shaft harder and faster,she watched his eyes as her fingers began to touch over the pink of her pearl,moving it in circles and they crashed against one another hard,molten bodies melding as one and waves of orgasms began to build as the sun exploded down its rays through the branches of the Willow tree. They shuddered with the pleasures of the flesh and the vibrations of their deep intense love. Flash backs of the time they met at the beach and the time they laid on the bed of the mermaid rushed over her while they made love fully under this tree of love overwhelming her hearts minds. Holding her hips he slammed her down hard and fast over his sword her head whipped around as her eyes filled with the fires and flames of passion. Anthony's cock exploded into her heat sending rivers of cum deep inside her flowing flower. He filled her with the white cream and it burned inside her swollen pussy and she shook as she came once again violently around his cock.He slammed his cock inside her as his fingers moved along her flesh coming to rest cradling her face and she leaned her down and touched her lips against his as her essence flowed like a river and they softly kissed while her hips rocked ever so slowly as shivers of pleasures over took them and she smiled then whispered,
"Who do you love Anthony who really owns your soul?" Her hips rock back and forth in spasms over his cock still thrusting inside her deeply.
"I love you my one for no one can compare to the passion you hold and the purity of your soul."
They slowed their pace and she pushed off letting his cock fall as she moved against his side then laid her head on his chest her arm around his shoulder. Waves of rapture still moved across their bodies and they held each other under the tree of love and afterglow sent its blush against both their faces for their love was real much to real for words sometimes. They cuddled under the willow and watch the birds play over head as the butterflies hovered around them and his mighty steed grazed in the lush grassy field.
"Some think me a fool because I dreamer I know this is true but if I'm a fool then so be it,because I know the truth and the truth is I am a romantic Master,a curse from the Heavens above, but If I could have my way,
You my love would be the last woman I would ever love."
Anthony held her tenderly and whispered as he kissed her forehead as the sun shined its rays of gold down over them both,
"My love for you, you can't imagine and its power very overwhelming but of this I am sure you will always hold the real keys to my soul and I will always adore you and give you the only gift I have the meager emotions of my entire life."
She smile and wondered but Anthony knew,he understood who she was and as they watched the deer play in the fields they kissed softly and the realization hit them that they were eternal lovers who transcended time and space. They closed their eyes and dreamed of a time they could be one forever in a place called home and they wondered where their next adventure would take them...


*~Dalton Anthony~*