A tribute to 9-11

It took a tragidy to unite a nation... One no one will ever forget. The death of thousands makes us stop to look over ourselves and our lives. How many more will have to die before we can find peace. Osama bin Laden hates us americans so he killed our loved ones, our friends, our fellow americans. Hopeing that we would fall apart he tried to harm us but he's not smart enough to do that. Hate is the one thing that caused those deaths, His hate towards us just because we are free citizens with freedoms that he is jealous of. He judged us without looking at the faces of the murdered,and the left behind. Thats why he's going to pay for it and suffer in this life time and the next. Hate did this to us so when will it end...that is up to us and our generation. We will Prevail as a nation...thats why we are the best It is up to us to make this world a better place.......................................... if we don't...... who will?

the best 9-11 link

9-11 slideshow


Tome to bomb saddam
osama on the run again
the national Anthem prayer
fireworks USA style
a fireman's prayer