General Sitemap area.

But first-

consider your freedom(s)..

watch the space between those whiny assed anti war protestors/hypocrites who'd be first in line for the guns if their families were hurt in an "incident" and those trying to establish "draconian" controls on existing freedoms and introducing,largely irrelevant, new laws,which in effect curtail their OWN people's freedoms.

Consider who benefits IN THE LONG RUN.

The price of Liberty is YOUR eternal vigilance.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin

"Never has our ability to shield our affairs from prying eyes been at such a low ebb. The availability and use of secure encryption may offer an opportunity to reclaim some portion of the privacy we have lost. Government efforts to control encryption thus may well implicate not only the First Amendment rights of cryptographers intent on pushing the boundaries of their science, but also the constitutional rights of each of us as potential recipients of encryption's bounty."

US Appeals Court Judge Betty Fletcher

Areas: This site is loosely divided into 5 subject areas

What's what in and around a guitar.Not exhaustive.

Reviews of guitars with soundfiles.

Guitar related electronics.

Humour and miscellaneous.

Links and leftovers.

All the guitars,electronics and amps pictured have been owned by me for up to 10 years and a minimum of 6 months [except for the SG copy].
I do not claim to be an absolute expert,but, I know how it works if it's here somewhere. What's what in and around a guitar.

Not sure what is what on an electric guitar? - here you go.

For those who're interested in pickups,BTW,if you're VERY interested in pickups "You're Crazy" by Guns'n'Roses or "Crazy" by Patsy Cline is a good way to while away those lonely hours winding, for it will certainly soon be your mental state..

Basic guitar componentry - what is a guitar

Guitarnuts.Valuable tech info on Gtr related stuff.

Reviews of guitars with soundfiles.

The first of my guitar pages.Linked through to the others.

"Vintage" Gibson Sg Copy(where i'm referring to "capacitors on the volume pots",of course I mean tone pots.D'oh!! (or DUH!).

Soundfiles of Kramer,Yamaha,Gibson,Gemini II and Cheri telecaster in the form of zipped wav files .

Guitar related electronics.

........ Just the Peanutz LM741 preamp,easy and quite satisfying (sic).

Humour and miscellaneous.

Computer pics, etc.
[I'm new at this] some pics NOT suitable for CHILDREN or the gentler of sensibility.

Discourse on guitar pricing.

V.Funny Japanese mistranslations."

Links and leftovers.

Escape the Harmony Cental (discord central?) forums and get truer opinions

Guitar Tricks -the essential guitar forum - where most people are very helpful.

........ FDP.Mostly Fender,but, with good all round info and all round good eggs.

Take with pinch of salt,but, if you take the consensus view you get a rough picture of what a guitar is like.
Harmony Central.A good Guitar related review database.

Ed Roman's funny ol' world, etc.

Leftovers including notes on a guitar for open 6th E to way high up at the dusty end,Fender Jazzmaster diagrams and general leftovers. Also Zip file of (usually) useful UK guitar based sites.

Build yer own virtual telecaster,mmmm,tasty.

Free virtual guitar lessons and TAB explanations for beginner/intermediate.

ALL THE HTML STUFF..For those who have to find all the stuff on the site..

Main "Sitemap" page.