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Yahoo chat........, You can ALWAYS find me in the Seattle room:1 hehe

BME.FREEQ....... Yea I know. This is one SICK ASS site, but the reason I LOVE this site is that its the most informative site for people to send their input on their own experiences with tattoos and piercings right from the day they decided to get it done to the day they did it. I dont know about you, but I'm a huuuuuge chicken so reading these make me sooo much braver for when I do make that move lol......skip the sicko sex stuff .bleah

This site isn't what you think, yea it's a sex site, so what big deal, that's NOT why I visit ;). Once you enter the site, click on Funny Farm...lots of toons and jokes...GREAT HUMOR

YES honey, even you could get action on one of these!!! ;>

Muscle Media....Body building/Health

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