More Stuff


Okay, that's it. I'm not watching the News anymore. It makes me sick. Dead people turning up everywhere, kidnaped people, wars, bombers, whales being orphaned, missionaries being murdered. I can't take it anymore.

I'm thinking of going on an Official NEWS STRIKE.

For real.

Update! Update!....(5-31-02)

Yeah. Like anyone cares... hehe

Am not working at undisclosed dept. store.

I am going through a "life change" Soon I will find a new and better job. But for now, I spend too much time drinking chocolate silk and thinking about what I'm going to do next.

Has anyone ever wondered just what this section of the website is for? Yep. Me too. Well, it's not an "online diary" I HATE those. It's simply an area for me to state my, feelings, goals, and random musings about the world. Also, I spend too much time talking about myself. But that's okay because... It's my website and I can. Please excuse my poor grammer, punctuation and spelling. I'm not fixing it.

Old Stuff

Okay, basically, nothing important happened over the last few months.

I'm still working at the Undisclosed department store, however, I am no longer seeing co-worker guy. Ick. Oh my. Any way, gotta go.

Things I said a long time ago....

George Harrison dies: This is an awful loss, he will be missed. Rock on George. There is a really nice tribute over at E! Online Check it out.

~ ~ December 17, 01 ~ ~

Dude, the undisclosed department store is getting heinous... Why do people wait to shop until the last minute and then get mad at everyone else because they waited?!

All the old updates sections of the web site got lost. No one has to read that anymore. Cool, eh?

Any way, I named the fishy Jewel. A week later she died. :( Sucks to be a fish.
