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The hunter....
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I'm the fearless forest predator.....

searching the wilderness for dangerous creatures.....

Just the very sight of me

makes them tremble with fear.....

I'm hired to keep this home clean from all noxious beings.....

that's why I'm lurking in here....

And just where do you think you are going...???

a horrid little roll of kitchen paper tried to sneak in here.....

This particular race can be very harmful....

if not handled by an expert.

OK my friend....

consider yourself as dead meat....

Resistance is are about to meet your maker....

but first the compulsory torture...

This one is putting up a struggle....

I'm sure I get an extra reward for killing this one

Time to put this one out of its misery...

here comes the coup de grace....

There....this roll of kitchen paper wont bother you again....??

right...back to the watchtower....

Alert as always....ready to exterminate more intruders...

maybe the horrible toilet paper will try tonight.....