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ULTIMA ACTUALIZACION: 19 de Octubre 2002
LAST UPDATE: October 19th 2002

Aqui podras encontrar un poco de informacion acerca de MEXICO, como pueblos, gente y cultura. Ademas de un poco de mi, mis gustos y pasatiempos.
Here you will find some information about MEXICO, like little towns, people, and culture. Plus, you'll get to know a little about me, things I like and hobbies.

Quien soy/Who I am




Enrique Rivera Chavira, ciudadano del bello pueblo de Tamasopo, acaba de abrir su nuevo Ciber-Cafe .

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Por el momento, esta pagina esta en contruccion, es por ello que todavia es muy chica, pero espero actualizarla muy pronto, asi que les invito a pasar a verla de vez en cuando, para ver diferentes cosas de Mexico.
Right now, this page is under construction, that's why it's still to small, but I'll add some more as soon as I can, so I invite you to check it every once in a while, to see diferent things about Mexico.

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Por favor, visita mi guestbook
Please please Sign My Guestbook

Quieres saber mas acerca de Mexico? aqui algunas paginas que yo uso aveces
Wanna know more about Mexico? here are some pages that I use somentimes
Por Mexico Informacion general de Mexico/ General information of Mexico) La MEJOR pagina de turistas en el mundo/ the BEST tourist page in the world)
Puertoconnection Esta pagina es de una amigo de Puerto Escondido. El te ayudara con todo lo que necesites saber acerca de Puerto Escondido y sus playas, ademas, tiene servicio de reservacion de hoteles, renta de casas y venta de inmuebles.This page belongs to a friend in Puerto Escondido, he will help you with all you need to know about Puerto Escondido and it's beaches, the page has also booking service for many hotels, house renting, and real estate.
Lonelyplanet's Mexico thorn tree branch Intercambia mensajes con otros viajeros en Mexico/ Talk/ask anything you want to, there are a lot of helping people here who are willing to give you some advice for your next trip in Mexico.

You are visitor number:at least that's after I installed this counter...

Si quieres saber algo mas de lo que aqui he escrito, no dudes en escribirme, mi direccion de email es la siguiente. ....If you want to know more than what is written here, please let me know, maybe I can help you. My email address is below