This is the Employment agency! Get your jobs now before they're taken up!!!

The light faerie Means that it's already taken up.

The dark faerie means that you still have a chance!!!

Secret Checkpolice

You must find out who joined and left. send those who've joined a welcome neomail and send those who've left a farewell asking why did they quit.

Paid weeky: 290np

Secret Graphic

Find pictures that will be suitable for putting it into the Guild webpage to make it nicer and brighter. Show me the pictures at least once per week.

paid weekly:200np. -taken over my megarii ashirii.

Secret activater

Your job is to neomail those members who are not active in the guild. Tell them POLITELY that they should post a message at least once in a week.

paid weekly: 100np

Secret idealer

You're supposed to think ideas up for the Guild. Make it more interesting. Think of new contests, what we can put in our magazine..etc. Give me at least 3 GOOD ideas once a week.

paid weekly: 300np

Secret Musician

You're supposed to find nice good music to put in the guild webpage. Once a week, you must give me the code of the music.

paid weekly: 100np

More to come!!!

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