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Possibly asked questions...

If you are new to the farm, or an old hand...Here's some info designed to make your visit fun, informative and slimming in all the right places!

Q: What is "Down on the farm"?

A: This web gathering started out sometime around 1997 or 1998 on a music bulletin board called iMusic. When a bunch of fans of Joe Walsh found there was a forum where we could talk about Joe's music, and the affect it has had on our lives. Most of us became friends, and the circle widens and closes all the time. All are welcome, and encouraged to be involved.

Q: What happened to the iMusic forum?

A: Good question.

Q: So.. Where does the "Down on the farm" phrase come from?

A: A dear friend of ours who is known as "Mark From Oz" dubbed our group, something out of Joe's song "Down on the farm" from the "There goes the neighborhood" album. Calling ourselves "The Farm" kind of just happened*.

* - I think that's how it happened.. If anyone has a better version I'll toss 'er up!

Q: Who runs The Farm?

A: Nobody. That's the beauty of it.

Q: Are there rules?

Not rules per say, but guidelines. There should not be any discussion that is personally offensive, or abusive. Intelligent debates are fine - flaming is not.

Since Joe's fans come in all sizes shapes and ages , please do not post anything that you would object to your 11 year old child reading. (If you do not have an 11 year old, please pretend you have one before you submit a post).

We ask that you use discretion in what you post. We do not want to be a rumor mill or be the source of any aggravation for Joe, his management, his band or his family.

Q: What happens if something gets posted that falls on the wrong side of acceptable behavior?

Depending on how bad the "slip up" is - The forum administrator (Thisismike) or a moderator may delete the post. If the slip up involves a blatant violation of common decency or common sense, The post will be deleted, and your password might get broken...Or something like that.

What if I forget my password?

A: Just email "Thisismike" at and we'll get the whole thing straightened out.