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What is it?
Fungus affects injured or damaged fish, as the fungal spores that cause the fungus thrive on decaying flesh. For this reason healthy fish are rarely affected.

White/grey cotton-ish growth growing on any part of the fish. Fish will most likely be generally unwell so it may also appear lethargic and stay at the bottom of the aquarium.

It is recommended you use a mixture of Formalin and Malachite Green or Salt, which are available from your pet shop. However in my experience antibiotics work best here completely curing the problem quite quickly.

Remember, water quality is always extremely important- so always check that first as it is often the cause of disease in aquarium fish. When treating sick fish, try to put the least amount of stress on them as possible, as stress will hinder the heeling process. Another thing is to remember is that generally, a healthy fish is a happy fish.

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