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What is it?
Lymphocystis is a viral disease and affects all the cells of the fish. It will spread throughout the fish and manifest as large pink, yellow to white growths on the skin. The growths look a bit like cauliflower, thus the name. It is the most common viral infection in fish, however is rarely fatal

It usually only occurs when the fish is stressed or in a overcrowded tank. This virus will not infect cyprinids (goldfish) and catfish.

Abnormally large growths appear anywhere on the body of the fish (however they appear most frequently on the lateral line). The resemble cauliflower and range in colour from white to yellow. The fish may appear off colour and lethargic, and may experience some problems swimming (due to the growths on the lateral line).

In the earlier stages the disease is sometimes mistaken as fungus or a bacterial infection. The best way of telling the diseases apart is where the disease occurs; fungus and infections usually occur on the ends of fins or on sores, whereas Lymphocystis grows on the body of the fish, along the lateral line and at the base of fins.

Lymphocystis is highly resistant to most medications, which makes it quite hard to treat successfully. There are no treatments developed that effectively treat Lymphocystis, although some claim to.

If the growths are spread all over the fish, it is best to separate it and put it in a hospital tank. When in the hospital tank ensure water standards are kept very high and the fish has a good varied diet. The disease may recede on its own after a few months, if its immune system can fight it off. The fish may also live quite happily with tiny growths, as well.

Remember, water quality is always extremely important- so always check that first as it is often the cause of disease in aquarium fish. When treating sick fish, try to put the least amount of stress on them as possible, as stress will hinder the heeling process. Another thing is to remember is that generally, a healthy fish is a happy fish.

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