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What is it?
Commonly known as Hole in The Head (HITH), this is a most serious disease. It often goes unnoticed until it is too late, or is misdiagnosed. Although the name suggest it is a disease of the head, it is actually a disease of the digestive tract. It gets its name from the observable symptoms, holes in the head. HITH is a nasty parasite, that slowly infects not only the digestive organs but also the blood. The fish will slowly waste away if left untreated, eventually resulting in death. Sadly, often attempts to cure HITH are too late to help.

It is most prevalent in large cichlids such as Oscars and Discus, and is less common in goldfish, but still occurs.

Small ulceration's appear mainly on the head area, and along the lateral line. The ulcers do not look particularly bad, often being left unnoticed. They may only appear as small gray areas, most noticeable on dark fish.
Occasionally excess mucus is produced, that trails from the ulcers. Often, as the disease progresses, fish will lose their appetite and become emaciated. They will be lethargic and stay mostly at the bottom of the aquarium.

The infestation is highly contagious, therefore hospital tanks are not recommended and the whole aquarium should be treated. The most recommended treatment from HITH is a drug called metronidazole. Other cures have been developed especially for HITH, so follow the particular instructions with the treatment you buy. The treatment should be repeated (as with most parasitic diseases) to ensure the aquarium is completely clear of the disease.

Again, like most parasitic diseases, HITH seems to target sick fish, in poor water conditions. (Although occasionally will attack healthy fish as well). So check water parameters and make sure they are the best they can be before commencing treatment. Often improving conditions alone will help cure the infestation.

Remember, water quality is always extremely important- so always check that first as it is often the cause of disease in aquarium fish. When treating sick fish, try to put the least amount of stress on them as possible, as stress will hinder the heeling process. Another thing is to remember is that generally, a healthy fish is a happy fish.

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