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What is it?
Like many parasitic diseases, the fish is not likely to be affected unless it is stressed or sick. They are tiny worm-like parasites that are rarely seen by the naked eye. They attach to the fish with hooks-like structures and whilst attached can actually move around! They affect mainly young fish, older fish seem to be less affected. The parasite spreads quickly in an aquarium, so quick treatment is preferable.

The parasite can kill fish in large numbers, and secondary infections are also a common cause of death.

Like most parasitic infections the fish will react by attempting to remove the irritant. This will result in flashing and scratching against aquarium objects.

Excess mucus may be produced and the fish may become off-colour and lethargic. Don't think that just because the fish has stopped scratching that it is better! At this stage the fish is actually very ill. The fish may also lose weight.

If the flukes attack the gills heavily, they fish may hang near the surface gasping for oxygen.

You can not see the flukes with the naked eye.

Firstly, make sure the water is of a high quality, check pH and ammonia levels. Correct these and proceed with treatment.

Many fluke treatments exist, but ones that contain agents effective against parasites work best. Try to find one that contains Malachite Green. Adding small amounts of aquarium salt helps reduce stress. If secondary infections occur treat with a mild antibiotic.

Remember, water quality is always extremely important- so always check that first as it is often the cause of disease in aquarium fish. When treating sick fish, try to put the least amount of stress on them as possible, as stress will hinder the heeling process. Another thing is to remember is that generally, a healthy fish is a happy fish.

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